472 ThefrondBooke ofDiuir,itie, CHAp.9 vnto the world, euenChrif himfclfe the fpirituall Men- wsa, promifed in Paradife, figured in theWilderrteffe fore-fpoken by theProphets,íhádowed in the Law,ma. nifefied in the Gofpell, thyonelySonúe,,of thine owne eternall nature and Effence , conceiued and borneof the Virgin, by the won derfull worke ofthy holy Spirit,(an- ctifted from theWombe,to bee the mightie andpower- full Inf}rument, in and by whole ffle(h or humane nature united to the God-head , perfonally hee quickeneth all thole that by Faith are ingrafted in him; replenifhed with all Righteoufñeffe and fulneffe of the Spirit abone meafure : And therefore in himfelfe moil bleffed and happy, but for vs and for our fakes accurfed, in that bee bare the whole wrath due to our finnes, and became. fubieet to Death, the moll ignominious death of the Croffe it (elfe, vncler whichnotwithllanding,he did not lye, for that it was impoffible he fhould be holdenof it: but looting thepangs and forrowes of death hee arofe againe-and afcended into Heauen,where h_ e fitteth at the right hand ofthy moll excellent Maieflie, tomake con- tinuall interctfiionfor thofe that are his, and bath ob. tayned a Name aboue all names, a crowne of Glorie, and a Kingdome , whereofthere {hall not bee any end ; gouerning all things inHeauen and upon theEarth, van. quifhing and'fubduing the proud Enemies, and Rebels tohis Kingdome, and leading captiuitie captiue, gathe- ring out of the wicked Wo}Id a holyNation, a peculiar People (euen in refpef of their outward calling) to the praire of his glorious Name, opening their eyes to behold the vnfearchable riches ofhimfelfe,in whom are hidden all the treafures ofWifèdorne &Vnderflanding, filling their hearts with manifold Graces and Bleffngs of his Spirit , feparatingand choofing out from among them, Paflors,Teachers, and other Officers, for thewell ordering and guidingof his Houfe,which is the Church ofthe liningGod , and not onely reaching forth co ma. nie