Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP.9. OfGifidorne,&c. 473 nie of them from . aboue, a comfortable tafle oc the fweetneffe and that is in him, but vpon fuck and fo many asGod the Father (through him) bath from euerlaflingpurpofed vnto glorie ; powring downe that molt excellent and precious gift of Faith proper to the Elegy}, wherebyhe gluethhimfelfe to bee theirs , and takeththem to bee his knitteth and vnitcth them as members to that Myflicall Bedie , whereof himfelfe is the Head, maketh them in a fpirituall and vnfpeakeable fort, bone of his bone, flcfh of his flefh, and one toge- ther with him, and fo becommeth vnto them that hea- uenly and fupernaturall Bread, whereby their foules are fed veto euerlafling life. Good Lord, thre m?Jay and eueriea Day , giue this m Matt.ó.rs. oiar bread vnto vs, that wemay fo comeveto him,as we n Ltslte ix. g, may neuer hunger, fo beleeue in him, as wee may neuer third, fobee regenerate and borne againe, by the incor- ruptible feedof the Word of God, which liueth and abideth for euer , that it mayneuer dye withinvs , but confirmed Hill inour mofl holyFaith , by the preaching of thyGospel, participationof thy Sacraments, Prayer, andother holymeanes, wee may grow vp'thornwly in him which is our Head , till wee come to thefull age of men growne inChrift,by the ioyfull andbleffed behol- ding of him in his glorie. The fifth Petition, e/lssdfergiwevs ourtre(paffes,ae wre forgiue them time trefpafjè againß yr , is for Intlification through theRighteoufneffe we haue inChrilt, forgiue- neffe offinnes, whichis but one parr, being put for the whole. Pardon and forgiue vs all our finnes,by the death and fufferingsof thy Sonne , and fo remootte both the guilt and punifhment away fromvs ; cloath vs with all his fufficient and molt abfolute and perfea Holineffe and Obedience, that beingmade the Righteoufneife ofGod in hitn,w.e may appeare in thypretence , not onely as no fin-