Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. p. linnets, but 2sperfeetly iufl in thy Sonne , hauing that Righteoufneffe that is able to abide the rigour of thy fentence : fo as thou thy felfe iuftifying and abfoluing, none maybee able to actufe: And looking uponvs no otherwifc then thou doe('}upon thine onely Sonne, wee may at the barreof thy Tr.ibunall Scatc,and in thymof} holy Iudgement,,bee freed from wraih andcondemnati- on, and declared worthy.ofeuerlaflinglife. Theiafl Peticiónhathtwobranches. One, tobee de- liuered from the euill of íinne : the other, from the euill ofpunifhment. Inboth , the contrarie good is prayed for. TheHolineffe or San%ification which we haue from Chrif} in theone ; Bleffedneffe in the other. The firfi branch :.and led Ds not into teinpraetien. Beingnow ingraffed into the noble flocke of the Bo- die ofthySonne, and iuflified through him, 'fan&ificvs his Spirit dwcllinginvs,mortifying and fubdu- ing finne ;.that it beare not the fway in our mortali bo- dies, that neither the Deuil, theWorld,nor the Flcfh,or our owne corruption preuaile aoainf1vs, to makevs to fulfil the luft thereof,but goe"forwardwith thewworkeof our newBirth , q.uickening and renewingvs inour Me- morie,Iudgemeims,Will, Affeaions, and in all the parts and powers of our Soule and Bodie from dead workes, to fcrue thee the true and the lining God : that euen now in this life, w hilef}here we thuggle with thofe fpi- rituall foes ofours, wee may attaine to that meafure of perfe.Eion which maybepleaíingand acceptablein thy sonne; and that after this He is ended , and all our ene- mies fubdued vnder vs, wee maybee taken vp without fpot. or wrinkle, to bee prefented, as a pure Virgin vnto Chrifl,in theDayof our fpirituall Marriage. The fecond_branch,But delixervtfwn eti1J. Together with the fruit of Righteoufncífe( to be fan lifiedby the Spirit of thy Sonne) glue Is dfo the free reward which thou hail promifed to all that are found