C AP. 9. OfGYrfidome, 47`, found inhim. Hale and pull vs , as a beat} that flicketh in the myre, out of the miferable condition vthercinto Emcee hash plunged vs,the curfc of the Law,Hell,Death, and Conde mnation ; and fromhim that bath the power ofDeath , that is to fay, theDeuill. So make vs happy and bleffed , through the communionofthe Bleffednes which is in thee,that euen now in fame meafure we may haue our part in all, and fo much as is able to fall into this life: where the teftimonie and af:furance of thy loue, and thehalting and inioying (in and from thy loue) ofall the good things of thisprefent life , both for necefiltie and Chriflian delight maintenance , health , credit , friends , comfort of wife, children, feruants, a bief -' Pingvpon our labours the fruit cf Magiflracie and of Government, and good order in the world , together with the fan&ifying of all things, eucu our very trou- bles and croffes of this life, vnto ourgood, fo as thou in thy Mercy haft appointed for vs , Peace of confcience and ioy in the holy Ghof}, doe excel!: and by theft de- grees, as it were,by fo many (teps anti flakes make vsto clitnbe vp to that perfe& and eternal! Happineffe,which isrcferued for thy Saints in Heaucn, when Hell, Sat an, Sinne,Weaknctíe,íhame troddenvnder foot,we Thai be all fpirituall and glorious, and raigne as Kings with thee for euermore. Whereforehere is fet before vs , that inef}imable be- nefit we receiue by Chrif}, which comminglaf}, crow- neth the tell , and in the lauding O and magnifying whereof, all'Eternitie fhall beefpent, the full and finali Redemption of our foules and bodies, vnto the glorious Inheritance purchafed for thefonnes of God.. Whereupc n , after the Petitions ended , followeth praife and thankefgiuing vntoGod , the Fountayne of all good, in thefe words : Fer thine is the Kingdom , the Power, and the Glorie,for our AMAeuer : that is to fay , r. 11 abfolute and perfc& Bleffcdnc ffe, both for thy 'ght and o Reuel.l. 8,92 I.,rT,r2,13,