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CH A P. 9 of Wipdome,&c® tion, which follow in their place : as the Apoflle, agree- ablyhereunto reduccrh the benefits wec haue by Chrifl, to thefe three heads,and that in the farne ordcr:Regene- ration,the roote and mother ofthc ref+ : iuflificationand San&ification,the twoTwins and noblepaire that coin- meth from it,',lob.5.8.There be three that heave record in earth, to the Soule and Confcicnce of euery true Belee. uer : TheSpirit, or part regenerate : Water, whereby we are wafhed and denied from our finne : and Blood,purge_ ing and abolifhingboth the roote and fruits of it: which is attributed to the blood ofChritl,Heb,9,4. 'John i. 7, 9, And that is fo to be taken in thisplace, not for ex- piation, I gather, by that the Apofile i' Paid before, 7bù p iJohn 5. a. tr he that came by Water and Blood, that is to fay, not our Iuflificr onely,which all men doe willingly imbrace:but to fanéifie vs alío which men will not fo eafily bee brought veto. Fourthly, Seeing it is plaine, that by obtayningpar- don for our finnes, and Rigleteoufneffe in Chrifl (which is asked in the fift Petition) confeciuently wee haue all the Bleffedneffe that beîongeth to it, onepart whereof is this, tohaue all outward things, as additarnents and appendances call vnto vs fo farre asGod hath appoin- ted them for our good , as our Sauiour Chrifis both fpeech and promife is, Matt.6, 3 3. and further then that, wee haue nowarrant todefire them ; it feemeth not fo likely, that either our Sauiour Chrifl would rent thefe things afunder, and tranfplant one from another, efpe- ciaily to fet the fruit before the branch that beareth it,or in fo fhort a femme admit of repetition, which muff needs follow, if beingdie-where included, weeaske themhere byname. And this alfo may ferue to prooue, that no defect} or mayme can iuflly bec imputed to this abfolute formeof Prayer, thoughoutward thingscome not within compaffeof the fourthPetition. H h Fiftly, 477