Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

47 The 8 econdBookeo Diuinitie, f f CHAP.9. Fiftly, The doubling of the Article Tar 4Ter parr 7a, 1wiuotov, {heweth it to be no common Bread,but a Bread of come rare and fingular qualifie : thevery like dou- blingof the Article to that purpofe , you finde in this felfe-fame argument, hhn6.32. * ápror 7 aM9frov. And ma aptly is (Bread) here taken vp,toexpreffe ourfpiri- tuall coniunétion with Chrifl being that which to the Worldsencl muff reprefent him in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper. Laflly,The word birfusior,which maketh all the doubt, beingneuer read,but in this Prayer onely,'and therefore of an vncertaine fignification, I deriue from iscfa, with the bell Interpreters,as I makenodoubt it mull ofnecef- ftie bee : but not in that fence which I fee them to doe, whoexpound it,competent or fufficietotforournaturd,that is, for our fuflenance and nourifhment, Of which figni- ficationof the word ofa , you (hall hardly finde any ex- ample, as 11.Stephem inhisGrcekeThefaurus noteth :But in that fencewhich the Scripturevfeth it, Lug r4, 12,1 3. (and neuer otherwife)as it fignifieth,wealth&fubflance: from whence I take tobee derived two words of' neuee affinitie,,gr,>íçie- here,and areiacre-, Tit.2.i4. onenoting that, which as therecnayne and ouer-plus of our fub- flance,we layvp in flore and keepe for a }.ewel;the other, that whichexcelleth all vt ealthand fubftance, which (a- mongmanyother) is one fignification of thepropoficion Rom.9. ç. Ephef.4.6. and fodoth ti,riuc/B- aptly ati- fwere 'r pfd. 119. 14. I relayes in Me way of thy T`JIimosries, as abate all fubflaxce. And it fee- meth vnto mee, that our Sauiour Chrifl doch herein al- lude to that faying of SAL o M o N, Gant. 8. i t. 7f a nunwould give all the fubflanee of hit houfe, for this Lome (of Iefus Chrifl , to whom I am even now afcending out of thewilderneffc of this World , to ioyne and u- nite my felfeby Faith) bee fhouldbee viteriydeiii,/ed: yet the