Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

C;HAP.9. OfWiredome,&c. 479 the other Interpretation , which the mofl learned and befi Diuincs of our time doe follow , carrieth a round and a godly feníé, againfi which no exception canbee taken : And therefore in fuch cafes menare not to flriue. To come to the other notes, whereby wee may afhurc our owne foules, and giue.good teflimonie vntoother, that wee are of the r:tamber of thofe which are fanEtified through Chrifi : Next vnto Prayer, is the q patient heath gof aifliEtions. Our Sauiour calleth it , The r ta- kingvp ofour crop, which being fohard a leffon to take out , and f `Patience a thing that wee haue ffeciallneed of, the Scripture vfeth many arguments to p.erfwade vs thereunto : Taken fròm the caufes of affliétion , both principall inGod ; and fecondarie in our felues, from the end,frotn the effe&s, and laflly,frornthe things that doe accompanie and are adioyned to it. For firfl, the confideration of this , that God is the Author of all iudgements , bath a fingular vfe for the quietingof our mindes in the formes and tempefls of afflictions: for whe her the fame come immeditely from God, without the hand of man , wee are to remember him that faid , t 1 am dumbe, l opened not mymouth, he- caste thouhaft done it. Or if hee plague and fcourgeby men, wee are taught not to bee impatient , nor to rage again(} the meares, but looke vp vnto God, as the chiefe working caufe. This made the holymanofGod tOfay,IEHOVAH ugaue;andIEHOVAH bath taken; kle f edbe the Name o f l a x o r Au. And Dauid, when raylingShimei threw {-tones at him , and curfed him to his face, Let him alone : I E H o V AH bath comman- ded him toeurfe DAv ID. Howcould lofeph haue borne withpatience the malice of his brethren, throwing him out of his fathers boufe , and felling him into a flraugc Countrie ; had not this perfwafion preuailed with him, that it was the Lord that did it ?It iùnot ye that foldme Moto Egypt, but God thatfens me bother. H h a Se- q Luke z1.9á In your patience pofefieyour fou.'es,col.r.t r. That jemay be firengthenedvn- toall patience and longfufe- rance with ioy. r Matt.16.z4. if anyman will comeaftermee, !et him deny himfefe,and take vphis Crof and fol- lowme. fHeb ío.36. t Pfal.39.10. u IOh.I.Er.; x z.gam.ta.tx y