480 z Ear/1,8.7.9. i.71.reg;3,3,4 b prou.3 j z. c Heb.12.6. si lob 5,6. e Leu.26.13,24. f Micsh,7.9. g Lam,3.39 41241,42- Ii Rom.8.28. We krtow, that tothan that lone God, all tb.rtks Werketo- gether togood. i Hel 12.ìo. k Deut.8.16. 1 t.Cor,11,31, The fccondBooke ofD1uinitie, CH A P.9 , Secondly God bath from euerlailing purpofed and decreed vsto this end,to gloririe his Name, by fufferitig of affliaions : For whorn`hee bath fore. knowne, them hee bath al fo predefîinate , to bee (this way ) conformed to the Image of bit S0411. And therefore being-his will and purpofe, the Lord forbid that any man fhould be found fo hardie,as tooppofe again('. it : for Gods Counfels are alwayes bell. Whereupon the a Apollle faith,Let no mats be mowed with thefe af iciions : for yourfelues know, that hereunto we are appointed. Thirdly, Not onely they come fromGod, according to his euerlafting purpofe,but the fame is in Lisloue and favour towards vs : For u whom the Lord lotteth, hee cha- ffeneth, euen as a father doth thefonne in whom hee tall th pleafure : or as the Apoflle to the Hebrewes hath it, rendring the fence, not incumbr'ng the words, And hee e fcottrgeth eerie fonne, whom he doth imbratce. Fourthly, e4glaron, as d Fhvlraz tell(th I o B , corn- meth not oat of theduff, nrither doth tribulation j rmng from the earth; batman is borne veto trouble, as the hule f arkes doe flit upward : that is,it commeth not by chance or for- tune,neitherare wee to lay the fault rpon any other,but to imputevnto ourfelues the it:fa defettof our offences, that e becaufe wee walke rafhy with god , thereforehee ago walIethrafhly withvs; and therefore to f Beare the ind-g- natiosr of 1E H o st AH, becaufe we haute: finned a.Cainfl him. As alto the Prophet teacheth, why g f3euld a I:uing per- fon ks: pea rayling ? Aman, when he is chaßrfedfor the pu- ni%hment of his Pines ? Rather let vs fit 6ur ways: and fearch andret urne veto I E H o v.A H , Itftink vp our heart ;rttb bath hands to the mi htie Cod of heauen faying, Wee haue faloeaway and rebelled :thoupardoneil not. &c. Fifthly, Theend of them is, for our hgood and profit, i as t he Aponte fpeaketh,that we maypartake hie Hahne' : and that as k c..ÌWtofit faith, bee mayd,e goodunto vi in the end : for when 1 tree are hedged, wee are shallifed of the Lord,