Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP. 9. Of WYïfed©me,&c. 481 Lord , that wee /ho,dd not bee condemnedwith the World. Sixtly , Tbe.j wake m at the !aft thepeaceable frtstsof inHeb.rzar. Rigbteotafnefre , tothofe that areexercifed thereby, Rono.5. 3, 4. Afflhltion workethPatience, and Patience Experience, and Experience Hope , and Hope m4eth not afhiamed. Pats1 by this Let%n was taught , not n to trufl in him- n t.cor,r.9. felfe,bHtin God that rayfeth vp the dead. And againe,That 1 might not bee lift vp by the excefencie of Retelation, o z.Cor.ra.t. there was :fines: twomeea ?rake in the fie/l; (forne excee- ding affliE}ion) themeffengerofSatan to buffet mee , that I fhouldnet beepuffedvp. Yea,Chrift himfelte, P though bee p Heb.f.i were the Sonne,yet be learned, by the things hefisf fered, Obe- dience, and was perfated thereby. It it q goodfor mee, faith q ?fat.tr9.7. DAVID, that 1 was affliûed, that 1 may learns thy Sta- tutes. And -E SAY, r O fehesab, inaffbltion they vifited r Efayas.14 thee, they poured out fasbnrife prayers, when thy chaJtize- went was upon theme. So God, to whom orr nature is belt knowne telleth afore-hand, Heb.5.5. In their af- f iiion theywill feeke age early. An example whereof is to be feene, Pfal.78. f Wheis be flue them, then they fought f untohim, and returned , and went early veto the 'nightie God. Andnotable is that of I E R & M I E, t 1 bate ter t ler.3z.i8,rt: taroyheard E P HR A I Mmourning tohimfelfe , and fay- ing, Thouball chafltzedmee, that 1might bee cbaflized for !was asuntamed Hayfer. Conner: nite,that 1may he concerted : for when IAd be concerted, it Mall repent mee, andafter I /hall bee /hewed my fault , 1 will clap vpon the thigh (in fitine ofmourning.) I bla/hand amafhamed, be- eassfe 1 bears the reprochof myyouth. Seuenthly,It is the way that leadeth vntoGlorie: for if weefuf er with him , weehall afo bee glorified together with him.., Rom.8.17. Eightly, Affliétion is a Crowneof Glorie, an excel- lent and anoblebenefit, Philip.I.29. Toyou is this grace' freely giaen, not one!y tobeleme inChrif.! , but alfa to ¡offer for him', z.Cor,i 2.7. heboalleth ofit, as ofabcuntilull _Hh3 gift