Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

482 The recondBooke of Diuinitie, CH A r. 9. ât 202"i Z. x tieb.iz. ,5. y ReueLt.9. Efay:i.Io. A Ex0d.3.1, ZacTt.i.B. gift of God, that 1 might not be lift vp by the excellencyof Remelationr, there was pion untome 4 prick.e in thefie/$. Ninthly, It is the common Iot of all Gods children : b For wbofoetaer will lime godly in Chrifi letes, spill fifer perfecution, And, z what fonne is there (faith the Apoitic to the He6rewer ) whom the Father deth not chafiize f Therefore ifyesbee without chafiizewent ; whereof all are made partakers , then are yet bafiards , andnot children. Therefore John y calleth himfelfe, our brother and partner in affliftion and kingdome, andfufering for Chrifi letter; And the fpecch ofour Sauiour Cyril} is general!, Ifany man will plowme, let him take vp hisCroie, &e. For this caufe is the Church called z his threfhitng,and theSonne of hit Floore. One wl:om he beateth and threfheth with of fli6}ions, as the Corne in the Bailie is threflied with the Flaile ; and is compared to a a Buffs burning in the fire, and to b Myrrhe-Trees that grow in a hottome , in a place expcfed to wind and weather,and to all llormes. A thing moll neceffarie to bee knowne, and thorowly difgefied, forpreuenting of thofe temptations that haue a1s ayes troubled the Saints of God, and held them as it were a- mazed. Infomuch as comparing the happinefhe of the wicked, and the drunkenneffe of their pleafures , with theirowne bitterpotions they, through the infirmitie of the flefh, call many times in queflion the prouidencc of God, to fay, How/heuld the 'nightie Clodknow, or how can there beany knowledge in the mos`l High ? Behold, these are thewickedones, and they proffer for ester, and multiply riches, but I am fmittenal! theday long , andmy rebuke is emery morning : whereby they come almofl to make a fccffe of the generation of Gods children, as in the fe. uentie three Pfalme theProphet Dastid fheweth in his owneperfon,how thefe coiffli&s doe affault them; from which, he profefheth there, that hardly he couldget our, till has west into the Sanéluarie of God, to the holy mee- tings, and affemblies of the Church where bet llasned she