CHAP. 9. of Wifedome,&mac. the endof thofe men, how the Lordhadfet them in j/lipperie places, &c. The whole Pfalme is verse notable, and full of many fweet and heauenlyMeditations , which are as the Wine and Apples fpoken of in the E Canticles, to c carat. :.f, flay and cheere vp the hearts of the faithful! , that they faint not vnder this temptation. Another, an excellent manof God , and a Prophet fan&ified from his mothers wombe is bold to difpute this queflion with God, why d the way of thewicked d proj7ereth ? why tranfgrefurs areat refs? why they heplan- ted,andalfo rooted,centinueand bringforthfruit ? In whefe mouth god is nigh, but farre from their reines. At length he fatisficth his owne foulc,by (hewing firfl(in himfelfe) the fingular good that aducrltie bringeth to the godly For thou, O I ä H o v A x, k_nowefg mee , thou feel` me; therefore thou trieff my mind to cleaue vnto thee. After- wards,the end of the profperitie of the wicked,who are fed and fatted vnto defiru6 ion : Thou pulleft Chefs a- ttay, eu fheepe vnto the Rutcherie , and preparefg themvnto theday of f aughter. The Booke of lob fwarmeth with trefecomplaints : andSalomon the wife thought it fit to arme men againff it ; If e thou fee the oppregion ofthepeore, ` xce/eff.7i'v and the wrefling of right,and luflice in placeoflodgement; maruell not at thistheir will:for thi High above , the .High obfertteth , yea, themoll. Highones ( the eternall Father, Sonne and Holy Spirit)above trefe. Tcnthly, We are hereby made like to Chriff,and con- formed tohis Image,Rom.8.29.Whom be bathforeknown, -them beebath predeflinate to bee conformed to the Image of his Sonne. And againe, Verfe z7. If wee fifer together with him. ów f doe I fulfill, faith Pnv L, in my Alb, Col,1;s4. the remainders of thefufferings of Chrrf, whohauing be- fore fuffered in his owne perfon, as the Head, doth now fuller in the daily infirmities of his members ; which is it the Apoflle calleth, To g carrie about vs alwayes in our t,Cor q.ia, bodie, the dying of the Lord lefue. And this argument Hh4 Pc. 483 r