Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

484 The ficotdBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. g, h z.Pet.4.13. ï Exod.3.2: lt Zach.1.8. ieiay025. m E°ay 66.15. n a.Co .4.8;5. Peter h fpecially caketh vp, to perfwade vs not onely to heare, but to reioyce in affli&ions :1nosmuchat ye par- takeof the affliEiat' of Chrift, reiyes,tbat when bitglorie flall be resealed, yemay reiorce andbeglad. And therea- fon is great and flngular : for if, as the Apoflle faith, Heb. 2. io.7obring many children int oglorie, it War aecefPa- rie toconfecrate thePrince oftheir foliation through af- fliilmet, whereupon kçe to not afbamed to caN vt Brethren : Who is he that would flicke to goe thorow fire and wa- ter with fucha Brother, efpecially when it is toobtaine fo great a Garland ? Eleuenthly, God is able, and will deliuer vs,and fend a gracious iffue out ofall, whereof wee haue a promife, Pfel. so.i 5. Callvpes mee in the day of trouble, andI will deliuer thee : fofbalt thouglorifíe mee. And I.Car. Io.I 3. No temptation bath laidbold vponyou hut that which. 6e- falleth twomen. km, God idfaithfull , and will notfufer you tobe tried about thatyou are able, but together twsth the temptationw1l make an ifue , thatyou may bee ablefor to beare. For the Church ofGod,hovcfoeuer it be in con- tinual! floate, tumbling, and toffed with contrarie windes, yet canneuer bee funke, but is like to a i Bttfb burning in thefire, but not confumed : and to the k Myrrhe- Tree,which, though it growma boucme, in a place that lyeth open to all kindof tempefluous weather, yet is euer greene and flourifhing, full of fruit , fweet and odoriferous :God fo tempering their afflictions, that euen 1 then when he is angrie with vs for our fins, yet he doth.but fprinkle vponvs a fewdrops, and letteth out a small quillet of his wrath, that hee might not vvafle vs with the extrernitie of the beate (as he Both his m foes) but difpiay vs with the flaking of his Rod , to bringvs home veto himfelfe. Whereupon the Apofile faith,n In aldthing" we are preffed,but not d:ffreffed ; doubting, but not de/iairing; perfecuted,bst notforfeken in it; call downe,but ferifh not. This is it which inaketh fo large a difference be-