Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAP .9. Of Wifèclonte,&c. 485 betwceneGods children and the ungodly ; that where- as a little trouble amazeth the one,that their heart,with a Naba1, is as heauie asa (lone, and readie to die w inthem,the other ioyfully vndergoe whatfocueraffli&i- on ; becaufe, come life,come death,comc what will elfe, they know it is fromGod,who is able,and will fet them free. The Pfalmif$ noteth that diuerfitie, when he faith, p Manyare the affl:Elions of the inff , but I E H o v AH deliuereth them out of all but one efflitlion killetb thewic- ked man. Againe, q Great and manyare theforrowesof the wiclZedman: but be that trufletI, in I E H ov A H, kirrd. neffe fkallcompafe him about.And Salomon in his Prouerbs, Though r the righteowmanfall feuentimes, yet bee rifeth vp again : but thewickedat one twillfaddown right. f chíl. eiren, faith the Prophet ES AY , faint and are wearied, andyounginenfall downsflat : that is, whofoeuer, either through childifhneífe, as babes, feekenot veto GoD, or in a iollitie and vaine confidence of their ovine frength, as luflie youths, care not for him but they that wait vpou JEHOVAH renew their firengtb they flue vp with the wing as anEagle,which in fwiftneffe of flying vpwards, paffeth all other Birds : fo they fpeedily get out andpaffe ouer all affli&kion , trufling in the loue and fauourofGod : They muse, and arenot wearied ;theygoe forward, anddoenot faint. Twelfthly,Chrif+himfelfe is our fupporter, and mi- nifIreth í{rengthunto vs , Phil. 4.13. am able to doe alt things through Chris`s thatflrengthenethme. Thirteenth, We haue innumerableAngels that attend t o helpe vs , Pfal. 34, y, 8. The eíingel of JEHOVAH pitcheti, his Tents round about them, that fears him.,. 2.Kings 6.16, 1 y. Feare not,there be more withvs then that are with them. Then praying to IE H O V A H , hee ope.. nedtheeyes ofhie ferment, who lookingfew, that behold, the 41',untaine wasfull of Horfes and Chariots offire, that is, of holyAngels roundabasst E Li s H A. Font- o r.Sana.2S.37 p Pr/,zi. q Pfa13y7 r Prots.3.4.i6. fEfay4o.3o,3.t