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486 The fecondBooke ofDiuinrtie, CEHAp.9 Fourteenth , There is no caufe why wee fhould faint vnderthis burden, feeing Prayer miniffrerh abundant comfort tovs,which commingfromGods Spirit with fo much the greater vehemencie, fighes and grones, as the troubles that lie upon vs are more preffing and weigh` tie, mull needes bee effed}uall for the working of forne goodblefling. To which purpofe, the Apoflleinforceth this argument,7o0.8.z6,27. Fifteenth, Howfoeuer it bee, no affliaion can debafe vs,or make vs poore : for hawingChriff who is r heire of all things, and Lordof heauen and earth,wee cannot but be rich in him. By this argument theApoffle u there mollifieth the bitterneffe of affli&ions : He that loath not j aredhis own Sonne,but for vsalbathgireenhimvp todeath, how (hall henot togetherwith himgiue vsallgood things t I hau.e beene too long in thole: The real ofthe marker that follow,to fhut.them vp fhortly,are, Firl}, Humilitie, Micab.6. 8. Flee bathfhewed thee, o man, what isgood : and what loth I fix o v A H requireof thee, but to doe right,and to lamekrizdnefe,and to walke hum- bly with thy God ? Secondly Loue of the Brethren : becaufe they are Brethren and Childrenof the fame Father, i. John 3.14. wee knowwe arepaledfrom death to life,becaufewe lose the Brethren. The praeticeof thisone dutie to the members of Chrill, for Chrifls fake, caf'leth fuch a fhining light in the eyes ofGod and man, ,that our Sauiour telleth vs, Oilatth. 25.3 5,36. by it, our Faith, and confequeutly the righteous judgement of God in fauingofour foules fhall bee made manifefa to all the World in the lat- ter Day. Thirdly, To loue our enemies, and to forgiue them :heir offences,c*(att.5.44 45. Lotte your enemies : blele them that curfeyou: doe good lo them that hate you,andpray fir them that rr oleji you andpertcuteyou,that youmay be the children ofyour Father whácb it in Heston, &c. Ep+:ef. 4.32° t Heb.r.;. u RoVo.S3r.