CtCAP.l. of YVifdome,&c. 487 4.3 2. Forgive one another,. as God ire Chrili hashforgiven you. Foufthly, Openprofe{lïon of Chriff and of theGo. fpell, Rom. zo. z o. With the heart menbeleeueveto right,- oufnef fe , and with the mouthconfefon it made vnto falua- tion. Fiftly, Humble confeElion of our finnes Pro. 2 5.13 Nee that confefèth hi.r f nne, andforfaketh it, (hall obtayne mercy. Sixtly, The vfing of good meanes to cleanfevs from them, Pfal. z9, z 3. His ignorance who vnderfiandeth. cleanfemefrommyfecretfnnes. Seuenthly,Holily and religioufly to fanetifie the Sab- bath day:for thisbindingvs to the good abearing, from followingour owne p!eafures andprofits, and the things that are fo fweet vnto the flefh , cannot rightly bee per- formed but ofthofe that indeed make a confcience of their wayes : wherefore the K Prophet letteth it as a fpeciall marke vpon the child of God, If thou wilt keepe backe thy foot on theSabbath,from doing thine owne plea- lure inmy holyDay, and Jbalt call the Sabbath; delight, ho.. to I E H OVA H ,glorious, and jhalt honour it, not to doe thine ozone wages, nor tofindout thypleafiere, nor to !fieake a word, then (halt thandelight thyfelfe in I E H O VA H, and 1 will make thee to ridevpon thehigh placesofthe Land3wn4 feed thee with the inheritance of thy. Father I A c o s. So leremie 1.7. many fweet and gracious promifes are made tothofe that keepe the Sabbath, and (harpe and feuere iudgements threatned to thecontrarie. And fee- ing it pleafeth God, to fet fucha fpeciall Mementovpon this Commandementaboue the refl,Remember thoukeepe holy the Sabbath Day ; it fhould teach vs what a deepe roote the fame ought to haue in ourheart , and how it (hould affef vs. Of this that our San&ification is here imperfe, two things doe follow ; a Chriflian warfare; and repentance. Chri. x Lja,y 5= is 14. y ler.ry.z 4,òe. to the endofthe Chapter.