488 T'he f condBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP.g % 6en.3.tg a Reuel.t:.7. b t.Tim.r.t8. c Heb.iz.r. d s:Timx3. e Verfe 2. f Num.4. 3,6 8.24,z. g Matt.13.39. h i.Pet.S.a. i Reisel.Az. to. k i.Pet.s,8. Chriflian warfare is a warre proclaimedofGod him- felfe,for men to trie all their fire: gth and valour ir,when hee faith , z I will let enmitie between thee and the w.- man, and betwee,e thyfeed, andbetweetleher feed. Meant principallyof Chrift the feede ofthe Virgin but with. all comprehending all his members. Therefore here is a Flaggeof defiance fet vp, anda perpetual) and endleffe Warm denounced, 'wherein wee may take no truce, nor euer be wearie of it. Ofthis it is written in the a1Zetre- latiON, that agreatfignewadfettle inHeaH,n,M I CHART. and htr. Angels (meaning fpecially the Saints vponearth) fighting with the Deuill and hid angels. And to this fpiri- tuall Combate the Scripture euery-where Both incitevs, b Fight that good fight. 6 Let vJmane with patience the f$rife that sir jet beforevs, and fuch like. Whereupon, the ChurchofGod in this life is calle,Themilitant Chrreh, and all Chri(lians d Souldiers : though principally the fame bee giuen to the Mini(iers , whofc part it is to goe before thepeople in this fptritual confli&.SoPaal,Phll.t 25. maketh mention of E P A P H ROD I T V S busfel- low-SoHldier. And fo dothbeeandTimothy call eArehip. put in the a Epi(lle to Philemon: beir ga phrafeoffpe . ch borrowed from the Law , where the Minillerieof the Nona and Leuites is c_ alled a Souldierfhip, or f War- fare. In this fpirituall Batt aile,Iconfider fiue things : Firf}, Theenemies we are to fight with, Satan and all his brood : the name ofSatan comprehending all impure fpirits, ofwhomhe is the Head , being not onely, onr genemie, that hateth vs, and h forthabout as a roving Li on, f ekingwhom beemay deuoure: but withal!, our i ac- cufer that accufeth vs before our God day and night and the k Pleader again"! vs. This the Apo(}le notablyde- fcribeth , Epbef 6. Put on thewhole Armour ofGod, that pee mlbe able to¡landagainfl the aßjaults ofthe Deuifl:for we