Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

I4 The frrfl Booke of ,Diuinitie, CHAP.i. recompeuce.l a is iufi,faith I PAv L,withgod,to render trot. 1 z.Thef. i.6,r ble to them that troubleyou, and toyou that are troubled, ref. m Rora.r.S. with yr at thecomming of blue Chrifi. And againe, In The wrath ofGod reuealeth itfelfe from Heaueu againfi all vn- godl nefeandvnrighteoufneleof men. But of himfelfehee n 2. Tine4.8. faith, n There islaid vpfor mee a Crowns ofrighteoufne/e, whichthe Lord, that righteous Judge, will render tint. me in o r.1'634 t.9 that Day.And e I o H N,lfweconfefe otrr fins, God isfaith. full and itefi toforgiue them, becaufe ofhis prornife fake. híercie, inbe- Mercie is that, whereby hee helpeth out ofmiferie, ingreadie to whomfoeuer it pleafeth him.As beefaith toM o s E s,P I helpe in time wil be gracious, towhom I wilbe gracious,and 1 wil hateniter- of deed. p xo . 33 rq cis , onwhom1wilbanemerey .AndthegProphetintheLa- ei L2tñe7;t.3.Z2, rHentateons lt is the wonderful /Zndner of I E H O V A H t`Jat r Efaq 3o,tS. fPfa6.46.:. !lbac.3.z: we are not confirmed, for his mercies fade not: yea, he way.. teth, as the Prophet fpeaketh, r to fbewmerey to vs, being fullof companion in all our milcries and neceffities. helps in afflict ion very ready to befound ,as the Pfalmifi faith. Thus he tempereth his merde with his Iuflice, as it were water to allay the beate of his burning wrath. A vertue that aboue all other he appropriateth to himfelfe, and ta. keth as it were mots peafure in : Neither doth he fo oft call himfelfe a iull and righteous, as he doth a gracious and mercifull God. Therefore, be fides his patience and longfufferanceinuitingvsto Repentance he doh hum- ble himfelfe, as it were, tomens infirmity , vfing all the meanes & helpes whereby our coldneffe may be quick- ned,and our affe &ions flirted vp to feeke hixn.To thisend bee giuethvs his Word and Sacraments , confirmeth the fame by couenants, promifcs,othes andmiracles, pulleth vs vntohim by chaftifements and corre&ions,cenfures & admonitions. To conclude, he fpareth nothing that may ferue for our good. And when all thispreuayleth not, when none of his difciplines and inffru&ions is able to bow our ftonyhearts,nor tomake them fle(hic and loft, that ncedeshe muftproceede to ludgement, yet both bis wrath he rernembreth mercy. And where mens obilina- cie