Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

Cil AP. 9. ofWifedorne,d-c. 529 vifible and to bee feenc in the fle(h : e For heebath fet a Day , faith PA v L, wherein hee as+áll iudge the World ire Righteasfnrfe, by the Man whomhe hathappointed : The Father nor holyGhofi fhall not appeare. Thirdly, The comming of this Iudge. Wherein I ob- fcrue foure circumf -ances : Firft, The place from whencehee (hall come , as wee reade, d This less who is taken vp from you into Heaven, !hall fo comefrom Heasers asyee haue beheld himgoing into Htase, e When the Lord left's Chrift /hall bee resealed from Heauen with his 'nightie Angels. f The Lord him- felfe with a!hooting Jhall come downs from ¡lessen, Secondly, The time of his comming : the day and honre whereof is vncerrayne : g Of the Day or Bonre (faith hee) knowetb no man, no, not the Angels of Hessen, bntmy Father *wily : and as another h Euangelif} hath it, nor the Some himfelfe: meaning, as bee is the Mediatour of his Church, and not as het is God equal! withhis Father. Thirdly,Asearthly Princes haue fundrie States to goe before them in great brauerie and oflentation , toglue warningof their comming, and at length followeth the Prince with all his Nobles : So this Kirrg of Kings fen- deth before him certayne glorious figncs and foreto- kens of hi) Comming , before hee himfelfe doe come. Thefe fignes you (hall finde all recorded, Matth. 24. of which Chapter (fo much thereof as appertayne,.h to this purpofe) it (hall not bee amiffe, before wee goe fur- ther, to make fome (h©rt Anayfis or refolurion,both for the excellencie of the matter,aod to cleere fome difficul- ties in the paffage : for I know , it is commonly taken, that Tome ofthofe tokens are immediatelyvponhis com- ming, and as it were, at his fetting forth; whereas the truth is , the verynecref}ofthem is at the leaft fome age ofyeeres before, as appeareth Verfe 33, 34. To come therefore to the foure and tvventieth of Li 3 Nat- c 17.3 r. conning to Iudgement, d AEir e f i.The.4:44, g Matt,L4:345. h marke t3 37-