Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

530 The ficondBooke of Diainitie, CH A P. 9. Ofatthew, our Sauiourhauiuv fini(hcd the figues of ¡e- rufalems ouertbrow, in the firfl 22. Verfes of the Chapter, beginneth in the 23.Verfe,to enter vponthofe that were tofore.runne his comrningvnto Iudgement, whereof he meniioneth foure,of all other the greatca and moll me. mor able. The firfl is the Kingdorne of Poperie: where,fee how bee painteth out the Romifh Synagogue euen inherco. lours. Firfl,Tt is a Church in (hew and femblance; elfefalfe chrinís and falfe prophet, could not be fpokcnof :but yet i trurh it is no Church at all : For ifany man (fzith he) /hallfa, unto yom, Lo, here is Chriß , or there, beleetre it not. Secondly, They (hall fay , Here it Chraff and there is CHriff. Nótably verified in the Popifh M -ffe,whrch (to make`it apps re to all the World , tha. they are of the number of thefe falfe prophets) proclaimeth Chrifl tobe really in the Sacraments. Thirdly, Ir is a perfecuting Church. Sohe faith,Verfe 29. Immediatelyafter the oaf ltthonoftbofedales. Therein comprehending the whole Anticht ifiianTyrannie. Fourthly, Of this Church, Antichrift is the head, whofe hole fucceilion he termerh,Falfechrißs,andfalte prophets. Not fuch falfe chrifis as hee fpeakerhof with another mannerof flyle,Verfe 5. which fhould fay,lam ebrifi, falfly belyinghis very Pcrfon : but that great fe- ducerand falfe prophet,vvho,vnder theNameof Chrifls Vicar, and Peters fucceffour, fhould iuflle Chri(lout of his Chaire. Fiftly, The armes, legs, and (boulders of it , of the tayle rather, (for the Cling and poyfonof theft. Scorpions is in their tayle) are a rabble of falfe teachers, Faft. pro. phets, as he termeth them. Sixtly By thefe falfe teachers, are wrought a multi- tude of falfe and fayned miracles.