Seuertthly, The bodie is their Romifh Catholike, A- pof}aticall Church, feduced by fuch falfe teachers, and by thofe lyingfignes and miracles. Howmaruelloufly doe thefe things iumpe, with that whichwee find recorded in the Epiele to the 7beffloni- ans,and by John in theReuelation? They /hall faithChriltheere, work! great Signesand Wonde't, infomuch as they Moulddeeeiue, if it werepofble, the verieElect.Sofaith ¡PANT', ,i-Phofecommit%lball bee by the e f fettua /1 wor!ng of Satan with allpower, and figues, andlying wJnde,s, andwith all deceitfulnefe of itri- 9uitie in them that per:fh, &c. Therefore Godfbalt fendthem of ettuallerrourr, t heleeue lies. And in the k Renelation, bemaketh the Earth,and the Inhabitants thereof to worflsip the ftrfl BeaJE,and morkethgreat fìgues, infomuch ae he ma- kethfirecome dorane from Heaaen veto the EQrth ,before men and deceiueth the Inkabitantr of the Earth, by the igmes which wereaiusn tohim to doe. Thefe are the fgees and wonders which thePspit's fo bragge of,and make one fpec;all marke oftheir Church, as Aiserfalitie,that is,their vniuerfall Apof}afia here alto mentioned,is another. Thefe feuen are in the 23.and 24. Vet-res. Eighthly, The errour and fuperílitionof the times, placingall Religion and Chriilianitie in the Wildernes among the Eremites,or in their MonktfhCels and Cloy- Aers : againf} which hearmeth vs with a double argu- ment : firf}, 1 The Light, faith hee, of the Gofpel (that he meaneth by the coi?rnug of the Sonne.of Alan, as it is taken-much in the fame fence , 2. The, a. S.) is as the Lightening, which flafheth from the Eaf- to the Wef}, and lighteneth all the World : So Both the Gopel not the Defarts and Cloyilers onely , but , in euety place, Hie thatfeareth Godand worleethRighteoufnefe isaeeep. tad of hint,. Againe, as the m Eagles (or with vs, Crowes and Ra- L 1 4 ucns) ....-- i s.Tbell:s.9." Io,II. k Retrel.I;.ise 13.14, 1 Verte m verfes.