Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

532 The rcond Booke ofDiuinitie, CHAP. 9 o Verfetp, p, q loe! 4.7, fi BSech32>7,F, uens) flecke vnto the Carkalfe wherefoeuer it may bee found:Sodoe the faithful to Chiifl,wherefocucr he n by the preaching of the Gofpel is crucified before their eies. And foninthly and laflly, deliuering a moil certaine and infallible note of the true Church, hee giueth a Bill of Diuorcc to the Romifh Synogogue, that holdethnot Chril} the Head, nor Iuflificatiòn by Faith alone inhis blond. Thus haue wee in the whole , a liuely defcription of the Rornifh CatholikeChurch ; which for the Romanifs better helpe,rnay out of this place be defined thus : The 7 ohi/h Catholikee Church sea crtsell perfecuting Church, whereof Chrifl`sVicar (falfly fe named) w the Head: mul. titude offalfe teachers, and a whole worldof wif- beléurers, by lingmiraeles deceiving and deceived make the bodie, whichfeeke Chrifi?upon the Earth in their Sacrament ofthe Altar,place Religion in an eremit:call,orMonkifh life; not holding Chrifi the Head , nor laflsfication by Faith alone in his blood: And therefore arenot the Churchof Chrill, but the Synagogue ofSatan. The fecond fagne is, that 0TheHeauen /hall bedarke_ ned, The ullocne/ hall net give her Light, the Starres ¡hall fall from Heauen, and the powers of Heauen (or powerfall and potent Heauens) f all be fhaken. Such Metaphors as thefe , the Scripture is wont to vfe, when it would ex_ prelfe a notable change to fall out in the World , the ruine and ouerthrow of fame great State or Monarchic, P Efy in his thirteenth Chapter (peaking of the de íiru &ion of Babel, The Starres of theHeauen,and their Planets ¡hall not glue their light, and the Moyne (hall not thine bright, the Surine /ball he dar'kncd at hie riling. 9 Io E L prophecy-jog of the feuere Iudgement again(+ the enemies of Gods C1 urch , The Sunne and the ulloonefkall be black!, and the Stars (hall take in their Light. And r Ezechiel to Pharaoh King of Egypt, l willcoller ( when I put tl ee out) the Heauens, and 1 will make,