C xAP.9. of W1fedone,c. make their Stars `lacke. TheSonneI will comer in a Cloud, and the Moose !hall net make her Light /tine. e411 the Planets of light in the Heauen will I make blacke for thy fake:: And 1 will fet darkneffe in the Land. So in the f Re- velation, When hee openedthe faxth Seale,therewas agreat Earth - g3take, and theSonne became black,, as hayriefoe*: cloth , and theMom became as blood, and the Starres of Heavenfell to the ground, andHeauen parted afunder asa Roolze rolcd together , andemery Mountaine andBandwere remooued out oftheirplaces. Which things point not to the end of the Wctrld , feeing many things were to fol- low veder the fcuenthSeale : but are meant , as it fee- meth, of that great ouerthrow which Conpantine gaue toDioclefian, and other Tyrants of the Church, turning the whole Empireof Rome vpfide downe, fromGenti- lifine to Chriflianitie. This fecond 1 gne therefore I iudge to bee theTorkes ouerthrow , which (hall fall out t as Toone as the Church is deliuered from the Tyrannie of Antichril}, that is, as our Sapiour fpeakethheere, immediately after theofillion of thófe dales. The third Signe , is the callingof the levees, wherein foure things may be obferucd Firf},The time : And then, faith o lice, that is, x imme- diately vpon the ruine of the Turkifh Empire : for though force Y beginnings are to bee made, before an indcuour to,and preparation to fecke Chrif} whereupon L (hall infue the foreil time of affli6tion to that people that euer was in the world ; yet their full and thorow Call bcginneth nct,t,ll the7urke bé doneaway. Secondly, The glorie of their Church twowayes de- ed ; ot,e, by calling it,Thefgne of the Sonne of man : the other , The comming of the Sonne of man in the C1cudsof the Heaven: for fo is the latter vfccl, Reuel T.7. And before in this Chapter,, Verfe 27. and they both import the felfe fame thing which Paul, 2, Thef28.cal- leth., 533 f Reue4,45.12: t ?Zem116.t;. & 19.zo. & 20.10. u Verl 3o. x Eoech,38. 39. to the end of the Prophecy, Reuel. 10.7,8)9. 10,11,6c. y Exech.37.e Rcucl.' 6. I 2,13, 14,I5,16. z Dan.I,I2,T.