Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

534 The fecondBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP .9 let h,The 6rigbtnefJ"e of hit counting : towit, not a corpo- rall,but a fpirituall comming, powerfully and royally, in the great and glorious conuerfion of this Nation. Thirdly , The generalitie of their call, That all the Tribesof Ifrael, afwellas Judah, fhall bee faucd. Which veriewordof Tribes if is were no more, theweth of what people it mutt be meant. Fourthly Their true and vnfained Repentance : for the mourning heere fpoken of, is that bitter mourning for the limeof all fones , the finne of refuting Chrift, whereof you read , Zacharie â2.1o,â I,&c.Reuel.1.7. The fourth Signe, is the general' publifhing of the Gofpcl throughout the World : for this fendingof his Angels with a Trumpet, and great voyce, and their ga- theringof the Eleaout of the foute Windes , from one endof the Heauen to another, Verfe 3 i.cannot bee that voyceof an Archangel, and Trampet of God , which theApoftle fpeakeih of; I. Thefff4.i6. nor the gathering mentioned,Mat.25.3I. for it is cxprefly Paidhere, Verfe 33.34.Vhenyou fee allthofe things ( whereof this ch we now fpeake of, is one) know he is neereat thedoores So is "71°1 (not'yet comc,as he mutt be,when the Archangels voice taken, doth found.) Verily I fayTintoyou, The fame a age (re Luke:7.34. Age wherein the laP of thefe things íhall bee fulfilled) fhallrnot paffeaway, tidall things be done. T. erefore it muff needs bee taken of a glorious fpreading of theGofpel among all Nations , not fpoken figuratiuely, or by Hy- perbole,andexceffe of fpeech (as that other, Verfe â4 ) but in a true litterall and proper fence. And as the for.. nier was giuen to the Apolles for a Signe, that fhould goe before the leases defolatiott , and confequently be- fore AntichriU fhould come, who was not to appeare till fome Ages after theyweredettroyed : So this is to come after : After his, after the Turkel deflruaion, after b Rem eI zr,z4, the Iewesrepayre ; For b thenflailthe Nations bring their c rKech.47. Honour and Gloria to the new 12017 Citie. 4 Then Adwa- ter'