CHAP . 9. Of Wifedome, &c. tensflit out of the Temple into the Eaft , and toall thequar- ters roundabout, by thefweetnefe whereof/hall be ingendred a multitude of fA, exceeding many. Then dAfter the¡mall horns taken away(which is the Turke) aKingdomefhall be gisten tohim, that ;rat like the Sonneofman, that all People, Nations, andTongues (hallferue him.Then e jhall I EH 4:30 V A H bee Kingotter all the Earth. e4nd in that Day there fban be one I E H oV A x, andhis name one. Hauing done now with the fgnes , the laft circum- flance is, the manner of his comming, which (hall bee fudden manifefl and notorious vino all , and full of State and Maieflie. For the fud iennetfe of it, it is com- pared to f a Thiefe in thenight : g to trauaile that corn- meth on a fudden to a woman with child, and to a h fuare, that catcheth men vnawarcs. Whereupon it is alto com- pared to the daycs of i 2Coe andofLot : for as men then were taken, before they wereaware, fo (hall they be in the Dayof Iudgcment , which ferueth to thirre vs vp to watchfulne% , as our Sauiour in kLuke maketh that vfe ofit ; As afnare it/hall comevponall thatft vpon the face ofthe Earth, t !vetch thereforeat all times,praying, e c,And Matt.24.and 25. he inforceth the fame by two excellent Parables ;.one,ofthe Steward put in truft byhis Matter: the other of the ten Virgins ; concluding with the felfe- fame exhortation ; Watch therefore: foryee know net what bore theSonne ofman /hall come. Againe, it (hall be very euident,vifible and notorious ofall men,efpeeially ofthe Eleet.So the Angel telleth ti em, mThis left« which seta- kenfromyon into beauen,fbetllcomeafter thefame manner,ae yee hauefeene bu»going intoheauen:that is,vifibly and ap- parantly,as it was Paid before,nThat theyPeeing andbehol- ding a cloud to+ himfrom regard ofthe flare and Malefic of his comming , it 0 is every-vi here cal- led ,_r hie glorious and bright appearance : Oppofed to his firfl comming, v<Inch veasvti;bout any (hew , in sneekncife and humilitie; whereas this (hail bee in all Roy- 535 d Dan.7.14. c Zach.; 4.19. f r.Thefj; z.z. Reuel., 6.5. g x.The(f>5.3. h Lute zx.35 i rAatt,24.37, 38,39. k Lukezx.3f. l Matth.z5.13: m AEis z.ix. n.Zerfe9. o Titus z.13. and elf where. p îartepuvtía.