Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

536 ThefecundBooke ofDiuinitie, CHAP.9 Royalcie and Magnificence , abouethepompe and glit- tering (hew ofall the Kings ofthe World. q JVlatt.24. 30. For firII, it (hall be, q with power andmuch glorie. r ,.Tbefji.8. Secondly r Inaflaming fire. f I.Tbeff'4.16. Thirdly , t With the voyee of an eXrchangell, with . Trumpet of God. Fourthly,with infinite thousandsofholyAngels to at- tendvpon him,Mat,25.31.When the Son ofman/71all come in hisglory,&all his holy Angels withhim.2.Thef.i ..when theLord lofse(hallAewhimfelfefromheatren with bis nigh. tie Angels. For the blcífed foules ofthe righteous decea_ fed , (hall not attendhim when hee cornmeth to Judge- ment , but (hall bee fens to their bodies in the graues, from thence to be taken vp andprefented before him. in tt,eAyre, The fourth thing to bee obferucd in the la(I Iudge- and there nient, is theplace where the fame (hall bee : which the t I.rbe1:4.17 t Apofile teacheth, when he frith We which lireand re. mayne, fall beecaught e'p with them alto in theclouds , to meets the Lord in the pyre : for i feemeth the whole Earth can hardlyhold the men that then (hall cone to Iudgemenr. Next, are the things,which bee (hall doe whenhee is come, beingof three forts : The preparation to the Scntener. This (andeth in foure things : Fir(}, The erc ingof a great and glorious Throne for this Iudge to fit vpon; though ofwhat matter theScrip.. Lure concealeth, ver(vndoubtedly) fit for the Malefiie ofthe Iudge ofall the World; whether the fame bee the glorious Angels ofGod , that as a Throne beare vp our Sau -our Chrill,or forne other thing : but for certayne, a reali, and maRoyall place it (hall bee, where bee ihall fit euidenrly to bee feeneof all, Matth.19.28. When the Sonne ofman /hallfit vpon hisglorious?hrone.Reue1.20.I r I saw agreat white Throne, andone fittingvpon it ; great, to (hew theMaieflie; and white, to note the finceritie and vprightne(fe of his Iudgement. Sc-