CIiAP.9 ofWifdome, &c. 537 Secondly, His retinue and attendance, which are the troupes and thoufand thoufands of holy Angels côm. paflinghim about. Thirdly,the gathering together of all both Eleaarid Reprobate,to come before him. Fourthly , The feparating of thofe two forts one from the other , fetting the Elegy} at his right hand, and the Reprobate at his left hand. You mall find them all fouie, t..24att.25,.31, 3 2, 3 3. Andwhen the Sortie of man eormeth in hi glorie , and all the holy "Angels with him, thenlballheefit Vonthe Throne of his glorie : eflndbefore binsJhall begatheredall Nations , and hee/hallfeparateone from another, as the Shepheard feparateth the Sheepefrom theCoates, and 'hallfet the Sheepe at his right hand, and the Goates on bis left. The fecond thing which hee (hall doe, beingcome, receiae fen- is the fentencing or proceeding vnto Iudgement, tenceofall Wherein 1 confider, fulnelf'e of bIeflid Firf},The order of the Sentence, that firí} it (hall bee for euer efl'e pronounced vpontheEle&,then, again%% the Reprobate : for fo our Sauiour manifetily íheweth, Mat.25.34Then (af oone as feparation is made) the King (hall fay to them at his right hand, And, 11 Then (afterwards) he fhallalfo u verfe 41. Ay to them at his left hand. This appearcth further by that honour, that the Chil- dren ofGod (hall haue to fudge the wicked, iuitifying and approouing , by their voice and fuffrage the holy Sentence of Chrif ; which, becaufe it cannot bee, vntill thernfelues haue receiued the fentence of glorie , it fol- loweth,that the fame goeth in order before the other. Secondly., The fentence x it felfe ; to the Elea, Come, x Matt.z9.. yee bleffedofmy Father, inherit the Kingdome preparedfor: 34,41. yonfrom the foundation ofthe World. To the Reprobate, Departfromme,ye turfed, into enerlafing fire, preparedfor Y Matt.2.5,4y the Dendi andhis angel:. 34,35,36,41, Thirdly , The Y reafott of the Sentence , iuflifying 42,43 this