538 The fecond Bootieof Diuinitie, CH A P. 9. this greatIudge beforeGod and the World, and to the confciencesof all men : for in it is opened, firfl, the eter_ nail and moil righteous Decree of God , ele1ing one, and reprobating the other. Then the fequels of thisE- le&ion andReprobation : In the Elc&, Loue to Chri1 and tohis members; undoubted fruits and teflimonies- oftheir Faith : in the Reprobate , hardneffe of heart, without cornpaflïon orloue vnto the Saints; a declara- tionbefore men, and to their owne foules,oftheir righ- 7,, Raeel.io.tr. teous and iuft perdition. 1®hn in the z Reraehetion Both elegantly dcfcribc it by two Bookes,wherein thole rea- fans are both written : The firft is,The Booke of both their Confeiences, wherein are written the ones 'wicked workes,to conuince their damnation to be anoft iufi,and the others Holineffè of conuctfation. The other Booke is, The Booke ofLife, which is the eternàll Elc &ion of the latter ; to thew that they, being many times guiltie of fouleoffences,and the bet+of all their workes weake and inperfe&, and vtterly of no defers, their Saluation is altogetherfree,and of Gods meere grace and fauour, in and throughChrif.+. which The third is,The execution ofthis Sentence , where- with our Sauiourfhuttethvp,Matt. z 5.46. Sothefe¡hall gee 4Wa7woo euerla lingpunifhtnext, but the righteous vote. life eurrldling. Wherein wee confider the-order of it, and the thing it felfe. The order, fir£}, vpon theReprobate, then, to theE- le& : for albeit the Sentence of Core,yeblefed, for fuck caufes as we haue heard alreadie,bee inorder to goe be- fore that of, Gee lee crerfed, &c. yet the execution be- a Matt.t3. ginneth heere, the holy a Angels fir£} of all flying at 49,5o. once vpon theReprobate, to throw them into theplace of.their deferued torment , that fo the ioy of theEle& may bee the fuller, when in the view and eye-fight of their miferie , themfelues , together with Chrifl their Head,