Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CH A F. 9. ofWifedome,d-E. 547 hee thought,lefc alone and wearie of his life,God in the end, after his many labours, Y tookc himvp in a whirle- wind intoHcauen : Thereby conuincing the Idolatry of' that Agc.And when in the Towne of Bethel, where the Calves were erc&cd , and Idolatrie and Superflition ra- ged, they made a Scoffe of this Afcenfion , and taught their children fo to doe,faying to Elifha in fcoffing fort, Afeend Bald-pate, afcendTald-pate, that is, Goe vp to Hcauen as Elias did : as ifthey (hould hauefaid, A pro- per and goodlyafcenfion : twoBearcs comming out of the Forren, tare in pieces two and fortis children of them. And that this was alwayes the judgement of the Church, concerning Elias, may appeire , Dike 9.8. where in the diuerfitie of opinions held of our Sauiour Chrif}, tome faid,that lox N Was railed fom the dead; fome, that E L I A s had appeared ; other, that one of the old `Prophets mu rifen agaitee. To all the refl attributhng Refurre&ion, as of bodies dead, onely toE L i A s. Ap- parition, in the truth ofhis humane nature,as of one that neuer dyed. Two things there bee that may feeme to croffe this Doarine : One,that Chrifl is called , The firfffruiter of them thatfleepe, I.0 < -r. r 5.2o. Theother, that in the de- uenth to the Heb. i 7.39. the Apollle fpeaking of the holy men of God before the commingof atilt : And ofEnecb among the reft, faith ofthem all , that they re- ceiued not the promifet. But hereunto it may bee anfwe- red, that the promife which theApofile meaneth, is the manifeflation ofChrifl in theflefh', and the more plenti- full mcafure of grace now, then was before his com- ming, which pertaineth nothing to this queflion. As for that, I.Cor.i ç.Chrifl is called , Thefirjgfuiesof them that fleepe, becaufe by the power ofhis Refurre&ion all {hall rile againe,and hisRefurre6ion fan6lifieth ours, as the firth fruits did the whole crop; not thathe of necefli- tie mull be the firth thatrole, no more then bee was the 14 an 4 firth y z. Kfngr