Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

548 Thofe that arc lining at the latterDay, fha]Ifuddenly be changed, after the dead are once rien. The f coedBookeofDiai/title, CH A P.9. fiat whole foule did enter Heauen : though all both before and fince haue entrcd by his power : Although, if you thould fo farre preffe this phrafe, Chrif} was indeed the firíl that rofe, feeing to fpeake properly, Enoch and Elias neuer died , and therefore neuer role. And howfoeuer it bee an extraordinarie example in one or two fpeciall perlons, it feruethnot to ouerthrow a general] truth : But the ftrf} I take to bee the Apoales meaning. Yet hauenot thefe two forts their full glory alreadìe: for howfoeuer their whole nature be made perfc&, yet the fulneffeof their perfe6ion is deferred till the latter Day , as to the reí+ of Gods Ele& : Euen as wee fee., the whole fpirituall nature of the Angels that fell, is now fully accurfed, and yet referued for a more full damnation. The third fort , are thofe men that the comming of Chriti doth find aliue, who (hall not die, but (.hall íùéí_ denly bee ,changed , as Enoch and Eli were; and fo be taken vp to meet Chril+, after that the dead in him íhall bee fir(+ ri ofvs,faith theApof?le,I.Cor.1 5.5 /, 5 2. (hall not fleepe, but all of yr ¡hall bee changed in a mo- ment, in the twinklingofan eye, at the ]aft Trumpet :for the Trumpet (hall found , and the dead ¡hall rife vp without corruption,andwe(ball be changed. And againe, I.7beff.4, i 5, I -6,17. Thisfaywe topain the Word of the Lord, that wewhich liue, and are remaining' in the comminp of the Lord, l allnot prevent themwhichfleepe: for the Lordhim.. felfe (ball come downefromHeauen, andthe dead in Chrift (hall arife f rft,afterwardr, full we which line and remaine, becaught VP a/o with them in the Clords, to meet.the Lord in the Aire. By the Analogie of which :places wee are to gather, that to the Reprobate alfo which are then lining , there (11111,bee'a miferable and wretched changeof their bo- die§,which lEáli be in flead of death. This