CHAP. 9. ofWifccfome, 549 .,, This is further tobe added,touching the Refurre6tion of the Righteous , that not onely they (hail fo rife to glorie,but for their fakes thevery Creatures themielues, and the whole frame of GodsCreation (hall be renewed into a glorious eitate not fubie& to corruption ; the power of Chrifls Refurre&ion renewing all the World : for as the Creature had a part in the Curie of man , as before we {hewed : fo the Scripture to acheth, that they fllall haue their part in his Renouation : And whenwee their Mailers fhall bepromoted, they that ferue vs, {hall put on new Liueries. Paul both generally applyeth it to the %whole Creation , that is , to all the things'created, exempting nothing, F {eauen and Earth, Beafls; Plants, Metals,aud whatfoeue: elfe, and defineth the time when this (hall be : fora the creature wanting; ar it were,witb the head f retched out, expeïleth the Reuelation of the fonnes of god, that is, till the glorie appointed for Gods Children be made manifea for the creature is madefubieli to vani- tie,not of it owne accord, butfor him that hathfubieUedit thereunto, order hope that euen the creature fliall beefreed from the bondage ofcorruption , into the glorious libertie of the formes of God: for wee know that the whole Creation groneth, and trauelleth together veto this prefent time. By trauell,noting not onely their prefent labour and paine, but thehappie iffue. that (hail follow As deliucrance to one with child , which 'the Apöfile b Teter vttereth more plainly, wh^n he faith,We look/ for newHeanrensand anew earth according to his peomife,whereindnellcth Rióh- teoufneffe.And no marucll though hee faith there, ,scar ding to his promfe for the Prophets heerein are not filent : firfl,Efay exprefly faith of them, e rehold,`J will create new Heasieni and anewEarth ,andthefe former(hall bee no more rernembred nor corm to mind. And in' d the next Chaptpr, tó (hew this protnife not to be in vaine;lie confirmeth by the remembrance thereofhis promifes to the Church :For as tbefe new I earantr,and that newEarth,, Phfch Thecreatures alto for our fake (hall then be renewed into a glorious eflatc,not fub- ieft to ;corrup- tion.