55o ThefecoYdBacke ofDiuirtisie, CElAp.9 which I'ball make,fhal'landbefore me,faith I E H O V AH So 11;41 your feed and your name land. The Prophet Dauid in his fweet and heauenly melodic triumphantly e Pg.9G.1o, defcribcth it e The Heataens'hall reioyce, and the Earth ì3,I2, ,shall beglad, the Sea jhall make a raoyfe, and whatfoeuer ftlleth it ; the field [hall triumph, andwáat[oeuer it therein ; then'hall the Trees oftheForreflling before I E x o v A H, when bee commah : for hee commeth to iudge the Earth, &c. Wherein not onely the fir(} comming ofChria in- to the World, but this time withall is reipe&ed, yea, and this efpecially in as much as the fall accom_ pli(hmcnt of that his Kingdome in men themfe'.ues ( howmuch more in there?) loth not yet appeare,but is deferred till the latter Day ; for which caufe , the fame fAfts 3:21. is called (as by aproper name) f The time of the reßoring of all things. The qualifie of this eflate, whereunto the whole Creation (hall be renewed, is three manner of wayes fet g z.Prt.3.13. forthveto vs :find, in calling then/ g new Heauent anda Ery65.17& newEarth, in qualifie , not in fub!lance, the exceeding 66. 2z. gLrie and ex.ellencie which (hall bee ingrauen in them, Reuel. 21.1, being a newCreation, yea, better and a purer then the h 2.Pet.3;t3, firft; forthat which is laid in h P E T E R , The Heauens (hallpare away with a noyfe the Element alto with burning 'hall be diffolued, and the Earth andworker therein'hall bee Rem 13.21, burnt vp. And that of the i Pfalme, They ( the Earth which thou hail founded, and the workeofthine hands, the Heauens) /hall perifh, andall of them, ae a garment, 'hall wv.sxe old,as avef#ure thou 'halt change them, an:I they fhall be changed : Thefe I fay , and whatfoeuer elfe of like kind, are to bee referred not vnto their nature and fubftatace, which íh_111 remaine, but to their deformirie, which is to be done away. Secondly, It is defcribed, in laying, that Righteoefnes dwelleth in them : and latilv,that they the befreed into the Varlet, libertie of the fonncs of God. Whereby is not meant