E,HAP.S1. Of Wifedor,ne,&c. 551 meant that they (hall bee rcceiued into the fellowfhip ofthat glorie that abideth for Godsekaildren,but it only fignifieth the intcgtitie, and perfc&io of cUate , what -. focuer the fame be, whereunto they (hall be renewed. With this little in fo generall termes deliurred , wee are to reacontent, and not to feed our felues with vaine and curious fpeculations, which neither it is profitable toknow, nor lawful! to enquire. Rather let vs looke to the excellent vfe which the Apotlle gathercth of this Do ìrine; that feeing all there things are to be renewed and fined , what puritie and cleannetfe , how k great a meafureof Godlineffe fhould there Thine in thofe, for whole caufe they (hall bee changed ? I hey, thepure and excellent creatures ofGod, are topaffe the fire, that they maybepurged. What thenmutt become ofvs that arc full of fogreat vncleanneffe ? And withal! let vs not for- get, if the 1 dumbe and fenceleffe creatures joyfully vn- der-goe the inifcrable condition whereunto Cnne bath thrownethcm,for the affured hope they haue ()fa happy deliuerance, into a better cflate : if hereby the whole frame of this World , and euery part thereof taketh comfort cheerefully to runne their courfe , and without all weariformne% todoe the office which the Creatours pleafure cnioyneth them vnto : How much more ought we to doe the like, that haue rcceiued alreadie the firft fruits of the Spirit ? FINIS. k 2. Pel.B.rr. gy áyiats a¿ot= spopais x iu- Peaei4ti. ! R0m.8.33=