22 Thefirfit Booke ofDittZniBçe, CH A P. t, that both this holincffe, and all other the good things whereofwe haue heard , are ofthe verynature of God, the Scripture giueth vs to vnderftand when it called; him,Light,Charitie,Eternitie,&c. and when he himfelfe fpeaking of his very nature and effence,faith to Mos s, f Eacd.33.ra.. f 1 will make all mygoodneffe to palebefore thy face , for this caufe-it is, that in that molt glorious defcription of himfelfe, Exodass 3 3. before he come to the particular vertues of Power, Goodneffe,Iuftice, bee fetteth in the fore-front this name lehounh, faying , JEHOVAH, 1E- 110 VAH, the nightie God, mercifull,&c. And why doth he fo ? Both to ¡titre vp cil?ofes vntodue reuerence and humiliation before the pretence of his Maieftie, and withal' to fhew,that as he is lehoasah,that is,ofhimfelfe, and in his molt tingle effence,he is Omnipotent, Merci- full, Iuft , &c. yea , that his verynature is nothing elfa but Power, Mercie , Iuflice, &c. Notable is that place g =,r4.Y4;25% of the Prophet Es Ay, g I, men Iam he that blotteth ont thy rebellions_for my[elfe. He faithnot , For my Mercie, but, For my felfe, to teach vs that his Mercie , and his Goodnrffe is himfelfe, and confequently, all ell'eistiall in him, andnothing accidentali. Therefore, he can neither be tempted of cuill , not bee theauthour ofit. So faith h lames i.r3. h JAM E s,Let noman when he is tempted,. ay, l am temp- tedofGod, for God cannot be tempted o feuill, neither temp- i 2,7insra.3. teth heani man. And PAYL,1 Though u -e beleene not,yet heeremaynethfaitbfnll, beecannot deny himfelfe. And to it Tina r.z. Ti Tv s,k God that cannot lye, Againe, it followeth from hence , that his will is the ruleof all goodneffe, a thing being therefore good andholy,becaufe he willeth it,not willed ofhim becaufe it is good and holy. The Apoille teacheth vs that Lefton, Rom.9.2 2.What ifGod, willing tofhewforthhis wrath, and to make knownehis power, hash f fered, &c. As ifhe fhould fay, What haft thou, ó man, to fay againft it, if it be his will and pleafure ? This all(' dothour Sattiour fhadelo t in the Parable,Aatth. zo.i 5 1.t