e The firfl BookeofDiuinitie, CHAP. I. was God, and I E H o v A H : for fo Numb. 21. 5,7. it is recorded, That the people jjaeake agai>vf1 God; and adainft MOSES : and afterwards prefled with the hand of Go D s heauy Iiadgement,that he Pent vpon them by $y.. iug Serpents,they came to 2Wo f es andPaid; We haw f i n- ned in that we have fpoken again f t I E H o V AH, and thee., b ,,.cor.2o.9. To which Storie,Pail b alluding,faith Let vsnot tempt ('hrift, a force of them tempted b,m, and were deftreyed of C Zacb.3.2.. Serpents. In Zach.arie, ( as in Genefis before) there is a plaine difference made of two , whereof each is, IEHOVAH,IEHOVAH faid, JEHOVAH rebuke d Dick verfe9. thee, Satan. And this lade d exprefly noteth, to bee the voyce of (5i/tichael the great Arch-angel,which is Chrif}, our Lord ,the Angel of the Couenanr, and the Mediator, and Interceffor of his Church. So that which Efay e Era, 6a. c faith , I raw I E t3 o V Ali fitting vpon a Throne, &c. f lobs 12.41. Zehn f referrethvntoChriff,7hefe thingsfaidE s Ay ,when hefarehis glorie, and ffra,l e of him. g P(zl.to_.26. That in the 102. r Pfalme,Those I H o V A H,in thebe- b Heia.r.te, ginning madeft the fleauens, &c. theApofile h to the He- brews applyeth vitto Chrif+, as pregnant teflimonie, to prooue the excellencie of his Perfon abtue ell Creatures;, yea, abone the Angels themfelues. Finally, the Apoflle iRem.r4.1o,tt i Patel:.lkereth this Doetri.ne, when to prooue that all of vsfhall be pre tinted before theTribunal/ Seat of Chrift: bee kEfay45.23 doubteth nor to al eage theplace of the Prophet kE/ y., Ai I line, faith theLord,tome jhalemery knee bow: which are the \ ords ofthe great Ieloo eah,euen t`_ere,where he loth proteff, there is no other God but he. Whereby it is niof tnanifef},that Chrií} is Iehouah,the trueand onely God. Secondly, The properties incommunicable to any Creature, Singleneffe, Infinitenette, Eternitie, are to bee found i n him, we haue (hewed before : that to be called Ltfe,Lighr, &c.is proper vnto God, for that it fignifieth as much as to be perfeetly fo, and the caufe of it to all o- ther. Now, thefe Epithites are giuen vnto Cltri1}..As in