46 a Iobnly.s:. f 240.24.31. t; Reuel.3.5. a Xeuei.t3.8. x Pf4I2.4.8. y 1(r.:1.tL. z OAT,i6. at 7q,euel,3.t4. Heb.t.IO. The ftrf1 Booke o, f . iuittitte, CFI A P.I. referring the fame to his owne fecret knowledge: and finally, oppofing to the Chofeta him that lhould betray him, the r fonne of deflru6lion, as afterwards hee calleth him(who yet in familiaritie of cenuerfatiort,was a choice and fpecialfriend,eatingbread continually at hisTable) Phew plainly, that he fpeaketh of Ele6tion vnto life. M other { where hee cloth , when fpeaking of his fcconcl commingvnto Judgement : bee faith, The Sonne ofmatt fhall fend his Angelswith a great found of a Trumpet, Who /hall gather together hie Elc tfrom thefoure hinds,&ce And no maruel', though he call them his Elea: for fince hee hath power and authoritie tot blot men, names out of tho BookeofLife, it cannot be chofen, but heemull haue interef} to write them in ; for of contraries , there is one and the fame refpe61 in nature. Therefore,to Phut vp this point , and to kaue it without queflion, the Booke of Life in the u Resnelation, is exprcfly called , The Lambes Tooke of Life.Come to that which is more glorious in the World. And firf} unto the Creation, the proper marke of the trueGod. As the x Pfalmif! teaeheth, Our helpe M in the Name ofI E x o v A x,that hathmade both heauen Earth. And Y I E R E MY, The god; that made not Heaton andEarth, let thempere from the Earth, andfrom tinder the Heatren. He it is that wrought with the Father,in the creating of all things, John. i. t 3.ef1l1 things were madeby him,and without himwar nothing that was made,not a iot of ary thing. So faith ?Paul to the z Colofans, Byhim were created all things, both in Heauen,andupon the Earth,things ziftble,and inttiftble,whether7hrones,or Dominions,or Prin- cipalities,or Powers, all things were created by him and for him. Therefore he is called, The a beginningof the Crea- tion of god, or the firli and prime canfe from whence the Creatures take their beginning, being all made and for- med by him. And notable is that of the 102. Pfalme, which the Apoflle to the Hebrewes b applyeth veto Chrifl,Tbou,Lord, in the beginning loydf} the foundationof the