5a Heb.9.i4. 1t t om.1.4. s John 6.63. k i.Pet.3.iF. 1 ,.Cors3.4. in Co!.i9. For inhim dwelleth all the f dries of the God-head bodily,that is, perfonallyand fubítmtially. n PhiCa.6,7. Woobeing in the forme of GO, emptied himfelf taking the ferme ofa Se, udzt be- comwing in the likeneffeof meet, and in habit found a very man. Where, the forme efa Seruant voting averie feruant and abieft perron,indeed lbeweth that to bee in the formesf God, ftgniScth as muchas to be really end cl- fentiallyGod himíelfe. o John 8. i S. For this Cann the ewes fon ,ht tohill him, be- caufebe called God his oneFather, melting himf lfe equall m:t h God. Phil. zx. 6.He thought itno robbery to be equal with God,' p Dain. te. i3,?t. q Iudc ver[ 9.. The ftrft Booke of Diuinitie, CHAr. r, Arbon imparted flefhly life veto all that come from him: fo doth Chritf" the Spirituali Life to all that are his. And that this may be the betterconceiued,to he meant ofhis Ett rnall Deitie,in aie feuen and fortieth Vcrfe, hee Both more cleerely frame the comp1rifon_ The fir/7man out of theearth, earthly ; thefecondman, theLord hirnfelfe from Reamer'. Therfore is his Spirit or Diuine nature,iometimc called,Thegevterlafin Spirit (a thing proper to theGod- head:) ibmetime, The h .spirit of SanEttfication, v hcreby hee fan6tifieth all Gods Elegy}, and fan&iñed his numane Nature, otherwife infirme and weake , and not able to raffe vp it felfe. As in i John he faith, It is theSpirit that gìsickeneth,the fletrhprofntethnothing.. And k Peter, tha. he sas pit to death au touching the f efb, but quickenedat tom- eh:Kg the Spirit. Finally, the Apolilc t Paid expounding as it were this place, For though(faith he)hewere crucified of infirmity,yet he liueth by thepowerofCod.In the name of infirtnit'e or weaknes,manifeftly alluding to the Hebrew, Enoch,which figt ifieth a"fraile,or wcake &mortall man, and in thename POWér,untoEl, the n-,ightieGod:cfthe fecond fort are thofe, where hec is Paid, tohase the in ful- neffe of the Godhead in him , to been in the forme of God, to be o (quail with God. And to conclude , to bce P chaelot equal! Power with the Almgh.yGod. And this to be anhonour belongingvtnto Chriil alone, and not to any created Angel, theApoiile lade i teacñ"ethexprefly, when he fo termeth teho calo himielte, that in.Z:itharie firoue withSatan about t body of Males, or the truth and perfeaionofthe Lawoft'fofer; namely, the whole Do trine of the Gofpcl, RemiflionofPinnes; Imputation of Righteoufnc íle, St,n&ific.ation, and Redeinp ion ; as in that Chapter the Angel reafoneth of them all. But moll i lanifellly this appeàreth, Tlßwel. 1'2.7. There MI- CHAEL