Downame - Houston-Packer Collection BT70 .D75 1628z

CHAp,I. concerning G o D. 53 e HA E L and his Angels fought with the Dragon and hie angels. Agaiuíi the Dragon , that is, the Deuill, head of the malignant church, oppo(ing Michael; that is,Chri5l ; Head of Saints and Angels : and therefore calling them hie Angels, which agreeth toGod alone. Finally,theholy Chef} io expcundeth it rife io. N,ow is the Salvation, and Might, andKingdomrre ofour God, and the Power of his Ciariff. In the third and laíi ranke come thofe that call him exprelly r God. f The true God; t The treat God;The miihtie U God ; x The one l God; r Clod ouer all , bleffed for euer. .Amen. To proue the holy Ghofl to be God:Firfl,he all() is le- halvah, for hee that led the people in the rvilderreffe, and whom they tempted fo oft, was lehouah, as we haue oh- ferued. But Pfly x faith,this was he Spirit ofGod. Al a ben)? that goethdown intoa valley, the Spirit ofI E H O V A H quietly ledthem.: and a little betcre, a They rebel'ed and grimed his holySpirit. The b Author all() to the Hebrewes notcth it to bee the leech of the holyGheft , Harden net your hearts, as in the provocation, as in theday of temptation in the W lderneffe,wbereyour fathers tempted me,prouedme, and fare my works. A=;aine , that which the fame c Pro- phet fpeaketh of I E H OV A H,that he bade himgoe01414 unto thispeople, Hearing,yee /hall heare, &c. P evL d ap. r Tohn t.t. The Word was God, :.Cor.'.r9.God Was in CTrriß,re- conciling the World Luke t. I(,17. Many (hall bee (that is, Thin Baptif!) turneunto the Lord their God, and bimfel/e fh11 goe before him in the faint andpower of Elias. Whet e (before him) be. ing 'referred to Chrift, as it muff, íheweth him tobce the truc Ind vn- doubted Lord Gcd. And hi- ther tendeth theconfeffion of Thomas, fir - namedDidy- mus, my Lord, my God, lohn 2,c).2, 8. Of this fort alfo is that, 2.Pet. r.r. Through the righteoufneffeofour God and Sauiour termCbritt. The coupling and context of the fentencewithout any Article before (Sauiour) which otherwife by the vie ofthat tongueought to hauebeen, !hewing plainly that the word (God) can haue no reference but toChrift our Sauiour. Moreplaine is that,col.z.a. Vnto the knozvledaeofGod, both the Father and Chr (1. Where (God) as acommon antecedent is attributedto them both. f 1.Iolr,c..o. Weare in that true one,inhis Sonne Iefus Chriít. This is that trueGod,rand lifeeuerl2ßing. t Tit.z.t3 _ way.. tint forth,tbletfedhspe,asd glo;iota bright appearance ofthegreat God, andSauiourof vs Ie- fus chriß. Wherenot only the knitting,of the fentence (as in theplace of Peter before) but the phra e ofbrighta,hpearance (neuer spoken but of the Sonnc) enforceth that whole fentence to be meant of him. u Efay9.6. Tovs aChi-disborne,srhafename is cal.. led Wonderfiell,The n ghtie God,mol ßrong&c. x ludevet fe 4. Denpxng the one/y God and Matter,our Lord Icjus chrifi. y Rom.g.5. Ofn'bom is Iefus Chriß touching the flefh,who is Godouer all, bleffedfur tuer, Amen. x Efy63.i 4. a Ef »y 63.1c). b Heb.3.8,9. c Efay f. p. d/Os z8.z5. E 3 plyeth