Thefrig Bocke ofDiginitie, C H A P. I. the Almightie bath put life into me. Thirdly, he gouerneth and adminiilreth the things created,Zach.4. t o. Thefine" Eyes(or Spirits) of I E H o V Ax roule sip and dowse vpC» 411 the Eeartb.Fourthly,He harda eth the wicked,and de- liuereth them into a reprobate mind. For fo die Apoflle m Aó.2.8.26. m noteth it to bee the voycc of the Holy Ghof}, which n Efay6.t®. isfaid in nE s A Y, Goe, mokafat the heart ofthiepeople, ma!,e their earej beauy, andclofe vp their eyes. Fifthly, bee is infinite invarietieofgifts, T.Car.i 2.1 r. Aft there things, worketh that one and the famef#irit, difiribttting them to Eue- rie one apart as he will.Ioh. 16.23. YI'hen the Spirit ofTruth conrmetb, he /hall leadyou into all Truth,. Hereupon John ita o ReseGr.4. the oReuelationtermeth hirn,Thefish" Spirit"aiGo,in re- gard of the manifold graces , which God by him gi eth veto his Church; Grace be to you ,andpeacefrom him.,that is,CT that 2.tas,and that is to come; andfrom thefenen Spirit;, which arebefore his 71rent, axdfrt m. ligua Chrfl : v. here, by the feuen Spirits,I make no queflion, the Holy Ghof} is meant,and not the holy Angels. Firfl,becs ufe thefe fe- uen Spirits gland before theThrone, are inferted meane betweene the Father and the Sonne, the p, wiCheth Grace and Peace from them ; they are the Hornes and Eyes of the Lambe : yea, of his owne verie Nature,and being Confubílantiall,andCoef entiall things; not in the leafl degree appertaining to the Angels. Further, let the p Reue1.5.5,6. Text be marked : It is P apparant, that thefe feuen spi- rits, the Hornes, and Eyes of the Iambe, are noted to be that firength, andmoil abfolute andperfeet Wifedome, whereby thisLion ofthe Tribeof lssdahouercarne,to o. q ReraeL5.34. pen the Backe and the feuen Scales thereof,wl:icl:9 none in Heauen,orEarth, or vnder the Earth,that is,no Crea-. turc could doe. And u<hen all other r Angels and f El_. f Reuel 4.10. dors are laid co fall downe and adore God onely , diele and 5. 14. feuen Spirits doe it nor. To this, I adde the Prophecie of t Zack 3.9. Z A C H A R Y, t That God will put few') Eye." upon owe a44 io. Stone, vpon C H R s s T the Kocke and Foundationof Ltis .