Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Epilile Dedicatarie '. come into his nets of perdition : for who would ferue fatan for nought , or for fuch things as he contemneth, or but lightly va- iueth,leauing the feruice of his Creator and Redeemer, and thereby hazarding the eter- nall lof e of thofe heauenly excellencies which hehathpromifed vnto his feruants in the life to come ? Then fhould wee haue a true golden age, free from all opprefsion, bribing,extortion, fraude,wrongs,diffenfi- ons, treafons, rebellions, and innumerable other outrages, which are caufed and occa- fioned through the immoderate loue of thefe earthly things; and perfect loue and charitie being entertained amongft men, they would ftriue who fhould exceed other in al good and Chriftian duties,louing vet - tue and goodnes for their owne fakes : then would not thofe who abound with thefe worldly things be euer the prouder, or with fcornefull infolence ouerlooke their bre- thren ; for who is proud of that which hee contemneth?Neither would thofe that want them be much troubled,hauing for the pre - lent Gods bettergifts, cuen his fanftifying and fauing graces,and for the time to come a 4 farre