Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
The Epilile Dedicatorie.j. farre more excellent hopes,life eternall,and the vnfpeakeable ioies of Gods glorious kingdome. For who bewaileth the want, or lamenteth the Joffe of thofe things which he lightly efteemeth,efpecially hating both in pofleffion and hope, fuch things as are of farre greater worth and excellencie? Final- ly, if wee were perfwaded to contemne the world andworldly vanities, and highly to effeeme of the ioyes of Heauen, then would we not feare the approach of death, but bid it welcome with a cheerefull countenance? feeing it taketh vs from the things which we doe not much regard, and entreth vs into the pofeflion and fruition of our better hopes; euen a kingdome matchles,and glo- rie endleffe. Whereas contrariwife,when thefe worldly things bee ouerualued, and too much loued and defired, they wholly take vp mens meditations,and difable them for Gods feruice, they lay them open to fa- tans tentations, and make them readie to perpetrate and commit any wickednef e, whichmay further them to the obtaining of the things which they affeft; neither is there any f'op in the way to hinder their headlong court
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