Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

The Epiffle Dedicatoric). courfe in fin, vnleffe it be when their world- ly delires do crofre one another : they puffe men vp with pride when they inioy them, and confume them with griefe and difcon- tentwlren they want them: and to conclude, they make death nioft terrible, becaufe it plucketh thé violently from thefe delights, vnto which their hearts are fall: glued, and forceth them to leaue the things which they dearcly loue, hauing no affurance or hope of a better life. For the auoiding of all which euils, and for the furthering and aduancing of the former benefits, I haue laboured in this argument,euen aboue my ftrength,God £hewing his power in my weakenes,and cau- fing my delire to fupplie that which was wan- ting in my health. Of which my labours I haue chofen your Lordship for patron,part- ly to thewmy loue and dutie vnto you,from whom I haue had, both al the meanes of my maintenance which I enioy, wherewith I haue been enabled to labour;and opportu- nitie to exercife that poore talent which I haue receiued from my great Lord and ma- iler: and partly becaufe I thought, I could not dedicate vnto you a booke ola fitter ar- gument,