Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

?he Epifile Dedicatoriv. gumenr,wherein your felfe may at your beft leafure meditate ; feeing on the one fide the greatnes of your place, and height of your Honors and preferments may(without your greater vigilance and circutnfpeEtion) in- cline your affections too much to the loue of thefe earthly things; and on the other fide your age (unto which God adde many yeares for his owne glorie, the Churches good,andyour owne euerlatling comfort) is not likely in courfe of nature to allow vn- to you any long poffeßîon of thefe mo- tnentanie things. In regard of both which, your Honour cannot bee too well armed a- gainft the immoderate loue of thefe world - ly vanities, nor haue your heart too much inflamed with that diuine loue of Heauen, and thole moft glorious .ioyesin Godspre- fence,which you thalt inherit for euermore becaufe hereby you [hall inioy Gods bief- fings more fecurely whileft you haue them, when as your heart is not fo fixed on them but that you can bee contentto kaue them; and part with them alto with ioy and com- fort,when as you are affüred, that you that( exchange them for thole heaucnly ioyes, and