Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
worldly wifedome and policie is to be contemned. 87 times thefe worldly vanities, whereof when it faileth it felfe is vaine and to no vCe? But much leihe doth it helpe vs to the fruition of fpirituall ,.Sell. t 7. benefits; for,as I haue (hewed, it is a great enemie to fauing Worldly wife - knowledge,and to the growth of all fanitifying graces,rna- dome bindrerfi king the feede of the word vnfnùtfull, and the meanes of rfi ie frarttuáll beneirian of faluation vnpowerfull and vneffe&uall, when it is ioyned fits. fß - with them,yea it fo puffeth men vp with pride, that they ne_ r.Cor.z.8.6. uer delire tovfe the meanes of their fpiritnall welfare, and though they be difeafed to the death, yet feeling not their paine,they haue no care of being cured and recouered.And therefore one prefcrreth the knowledge which is ioyned with paine and griefe,before this which pufireth vp; beceufe peon requireth that health which this fa elling counterfeiteth; Nö dubito quip and he ismere ontohealth that de(ireth it, becavfehe that af- dolentë tementi ðcloth elfo receive. And as it hindreth grace in this life,fo jaíæi atem qu m fimu alto glorie in the life to come; for fo wholly is it taken vp tumor lat with earthly things,that it hath no leifure to thinke on hea. dolor poftulat; uenly; and trauelleth fo much in atehieuing worldly&fires, ui nut erne to that it hath no time to take paines in trauelling that way' which leadeth to life eternall; and he that buleth himfelf roper Cantic. about other bufineffe,and fetteth not one Foote forward in Serm.36.' the way,fhall neuercome to his iourneys end. So one faith, that this worldlywifedomehelpeth not forward to the attaining Prudentiaifta of eternall ; fir it is wholly intent about honour,trifling pro- quafeet& eft fits in heaping vp ofwealth,and not in t rea faring vp good lòorks. non fu fragatur Finally,iti, wholly cenuerfant about worldly rudiments,being e d Amberad, n' fedome rather in pompousThen then in deed and truth. And Pfal. t r 8 Dens. fach is all Philofophte which feelteth afterflranóe things, and is ignorant of it felfe ; feertheth the climats of heatten,and the re- gions of t he-worldwhich profit not,and knoweth not God and our SæviovrChrifl. And who Teeth not this verified by daily ex- perience ?for who are more ignorant euen in the principles of religion,who snore prophanely contemn the feruice of God, and all meanes of their faluation,who more negle&t prayer and preaching, and all exercifes of Chriftian reli- gion,then the great Politicians ofthe world,being fo whol- ly taken vp with the affaires of earthly kingdonaes, that G 4 they
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