Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

88 World y lbifedome and policie is to be contemned. they quite forget the way to the kingdome ofheauen ? §.Sel7.i8. Finally, this worldly wifdome doth not priuiledgemëfrô Worldly wife_ Gods fearefuljudgements, neither wit thisfubtil fence ward dome cloth tiSt offthedowne right bl owesof his punifhing hand: itcannot priu :ledge men exempt men fo much as from a temporarie death, for as the from Gods far- P ful iudgements. Pfalmill faith, the wife me die,ae wel as the fooli/h, p-leaue their Pfalm.49.t o. richer onto others. Much leihe can it free them from eternal! a.Thef.r.s. vengeance, which (hall beinfli6led on all that doe not know God, nor obey the Gala of our Lord lefna Chri.Ft. For ifSatan himfelfe, who farre excelleth all men in wifdome and fub_ tile policie,cannot with all his wit and long experience,find out any tricke or fhift to efcape damnation, how much !elk (hall they who come farre behind him inthis skill andcun- ning ?Andif e/lchitophel the arch-poli titian, whole words were oracles, could not with all his wifdome, when he was purfued with Gods it'll vengeance,procure a pardon ofhitn- felfe, for himfelfe, nor fo much as intreate a repriuefrom his ownefurie, but rather then iuflicefhould not beexecuted became his owne hangman, and not waiting for outward force, did with his owne hands wilfully cafi: his foule into hell fire :how much leffe (hall they obtaine a pardon ofehe righteous Iudge ofheauen and earth, when at the great aßî - fes they Thal be called to an accoút for all their Machiauelliá trickes, and diuellifh policies, wherewith theyhaue difho- noted God, circumuented and iniured theirneighbours,and made deepewounds in their owne confciences? i.Ser<i.i9. But as this worldly wifdome helpethnot, fo contrariwife Thatwarldlr it exceedingly hurteth, for as it maketh men fooli(h unto wifdome wit mach god, fo exceeding politicke and prone to a61 the works of Burt, darkeneffe: according to Gods complaint by his Prophet ; Iereta.4.e z. (í12y people to fooislh and hate not knotbne me, they are fooliíh children, and hatee no vnderslanding; they are wife to do eui!1, bat to do well they haue no knowledge. And though in rapine, greedie fcraping, and cunning circumuenting all that deale with them, they haue as many eyes as efirtst, and are as ( harpe Lighted as the Eagle: yet in the workes ofGod,and in Ioltn 7.48.and the duties ofloue, they are as blind as beetles or moales. It 12.43. hindreth men from profeflion ofreligion, becaufe it is ioy- ned