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Ofworldly learning; 9; the nature ofthem infe6ed and poyConed through the con- tagion of our corrupt nature. And thus learning is good, when it is well vfcd for thofe good purpofes abone mentio_ ned,to which in it ovine nature it inclineth, and furthered) thofe good ends for which God hath ordained it; and euill, when as it is abufed through our corruption; as namely, when as we wax fo proud of this gift ofGod,that we forget the giuer,or infult ouer our brethren who are not qualified with it; for as learning is the ornament of the miede, fo hug mihtie is the ornament of learning. Secondly,when as be- ing idle and fruitleffe it helpeth not forward thofe ends for which it wasgiuen vs,neither bettering the minde, nor or- dering the affahions, nor reforming the life and manners, nor increahng ciuilitie, nor yet fitting and preparing vs for . true religion; but contenting our felues with an idle theorie, and fpecula tion,we vfe our knowledge only to know, as the Athenians were Paid to vfe their money,only to tellir; vn leffe it be now and then, when wee affc& the praife of lear- ning in dit ourfing with others. Thirdly, when as wee fer our hearts wholly vpon it,and fpend all our time in attaining veto it, and hauing obtained it, doe finally ref+ in it; as though it were the caufe of our comming into theworld; and the very end of our Hues, to get humane learning; whereas it ought to be the way,and not our marke and chief fcope,and as an handmaide to tritume and adorne vs, and fo to vfher vs into the prefence of vertue and tine godlineffe, and not to bee-eflçetned and adored as our chicle Ladle and foueraigne Princeffe. For this were to content otrr Celtics-to. hue in the po«h,and negleóthe beautiful! lodging which itleadethveto; and like Penelope her fuiters,.Lo lea= the Miflriffe,and make loue to the handmaid. Fourthly,when as wee haue an infatiable defire in hoarding;vp thefe rich trea- lures, being never fatisfied, but euer curioufly prying into. the very hidden bowels of natures fccrets : for the Apoflle telleth vs,there is a meafure of our vnderflanding, as well `Roma .1.3. as ofour flatur,aboue which when it is racked, it bringetk as much torment to the minde,as the other to the body;and that there is a fobrietie in our fouler, which coatenteth it felfe