Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
96 Reafotismatting to the contempt of worldly learning; centious in their liues and conuerfations? What will it a- uaile them if being skilful! Phyfitians, they can geffe at o. cher mens difcafes by feeling oftheirpunts and Peeing their vrincs, and can applie fit remedies for the curing of their bodies; if they cannot iudge of the diflempered.palions of theirowne hearts, nor . know-bywhat meanes their foules Pick in fin, maybe cured and aecouered? And to conclude, what benefit (horrid wee reape,though being learned Di.. ,Lines,wee are able to difpute of the deepe myleries of reli- gion ; if we doe not make a holyvfe of this knowledge, for -the fan ó}i fying ofour hearts, and the reforming ofour hues .and cot uerfations? 4.Set7.4. Sec ondly,tbe vnprofitablenesofworl 'dlylearning hereby That worldly is manuell, in that it isvaine and ofnoexccllencie; forfira learning is it is fo farm from conferring of true wifedome, confining in "i4ennd °f no the knowledge and feare ofGod,that it is oftentimes difioi- ned from that wifedome whichis moran and ciuíli,and ac- cording to the prouerbe which -is groundedvpon common experien ce, The learnedet Clerks are not alwaies -the wifefc men; they being fo wedded to their book - learning and the theorie of knowledge in fpeculation only,that they negleél tbatpro& call knowledge which-is chiefly perfe6ed by ob- -feruation and experience. Now,as owe aitb, Ansan learned Literatusjfyl- andvnìbife,is ldze an a/ fedeckyd- with.coflly ornaments, which no eft pbatera- make him to bee more looked on, but not more epteemed. sua ?Am. Secondly, the vanitie of worldly learning may appeare, in that it bath in it no felfeexcellencie to glue contentment to him 9 hath it by it own worth, vnlefhe that olentation ther- ofbe made vnto others, that fo they may admire and praife jt.Towhich purpofe the- Satyrifi faith, that it nought anal - Stirettsknri. hetbto,koow,vnlef anotherknoweth that thou haft this know- bit eft, ni fi to ledge; der this is that tbhich is thought worth el`eeme,tobepoin- ite tt fit t tedat with the finger,& ta-denoted for excelltncieahsue other:. churn :digit° Lally, worldly learning without true godlineffe is vaine, menfrari,& becaufeitBothnotfilland fatisfiehimtharhathit;forbee dicier,hic e(t. that hath (pent molpaines in ludic, and hath attained to PerfSat. thegreatcl meafurcoflearning and knowledge,isnomore contented or fatisfied,then he was when he had learned but the
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