Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
Reafent matting to the contempt ofiverldly learning. 99 6lifyirig graces: for who arc more dotingly fond of worldly vanities, ofriches, pleafures and preferments, and (hew leffe loue to God in their holy obedience,thë the learned world-- hugs ? who trua more in the arme of flefh and inferiour mcaneswhen they haue them, or are more defperately dif- couraged and difcomfited when thefe mcanes £aile them? Who (hew leffe hope then they,when they are in any afllieli- on or vpon their ticke beds? who leffe feare of God in all their proceedings ?orleife humilitiein their cariage andcon - uerfacion ? In a word, who are more barren and fruitleffe in good workes, in the workes ofiu(lice, charitie and compaf- Pion towards their brethren ? And as it is no furtherance in attaining veto Gods graces 4.Seci.6. in this life, fo neither in obtaining glorie in the life to come; Worldly lear- forthefe infeparablie goe together, neither cloth any euer eingbelperb come into this citie ofglorie,but he hath hisentrance by the not of to atta,eta., fuburbs ofgrace : and hence it is that the Lord palling by in nail all ages chele learned worldlings, maketh choice of Pmple and vnlectered men to conuert and face them. Thus hee left the learned Egyptians, and made the Pimple Ifraelites his Church and people : he paffed by e4maziah chiefe Priea to Jeroboam, and chufeth ignorant Amos for his ambaffage : he Amos 7.14. negleéled the famoufly- learned Scribes andPharifes, and maketh choice of filly fifher men to be his Apofiles and Dif- ciples: and foin latter times hhath not called and conuer_ ted the great Rabbines of the earth, the fubtile-learned Schoolemen, and profound Doctors oftheRomifh Baby- lon ; but fuck filly and fimplemen, whom in comparifon of themfelues,they eaeeme ignorant and very idiots. And thus it appeareth that worldly learning do Eh not pro-. 4.SeEf. 7. fit. But ifwe confider thereofaright,we (hall find that it allo That worldly much hurteth them who tnoa efleeme it, and chinke them learningmoth felues belt furni(hed with it: whereof it is that the Apoale ih h errheir ¶P.rul doth not only diffwade vs fr6 imbracing it as a friend, hearts vpoa it. but alto warneth vs to take heed ofit, as of a mortali enemy: 2?eware (faith he) left there be any man that f oile you, throuc,h J'hilorephie anti vainedeceit. For it maketh chofe who arc in- dued with it, to tea in it, and fo bewitcheth them with plea - Hz Lure.
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