Downame - Puritan-02038 v2

Reafens mouing to the contempt of worldly learning, Ioi our hearts chieflie on that heauenlie and diuine learning, which is taught in the Scriptures,by neuer erring fchoole- mafier,Gods holy Spirit,let vs pull down this humane lear- ning out of the !cafe of foueraigutie, and make it attend as an humble hardmaid,on that heauenly and diuine princeffe, fpirituall wifedome and fauing knowledge, which alone maketh vs wife veto God,and giueth vs afiurance of the fal_ nation of our foules, CHAP. XI. That worldly fciencesare ofne worth, in compar f n of ff irituall b`notbleeige and fauing grace. Nd thus much concerning the tentations arifng 4ge7.I. from worldly learning,and thole arguments and Arts and fci. reafons which may arme the Chriflian again!! eneesinthew- them,and moue him tocontemneitincompari- feluesgood,and fon of fpirituall graces, and heauenly excellencies. In the tbcgi fit ofGod, next place wee are to fpeake of the tentations which arife from worldly fcience and knowledge; the whichare either theskill and knowledge ofciuill and mechanical! Arts and Sciences, or oldie holy Scriptures, and of the points of Chrifiian religion,; both which are in themfelues good,as being the common gifts of Gods fpirit,and his profitable talents,which being well vfed,do much redound to the lo- rie of God,.the author of them , and to the good of the Church and Common - wealth, for whole fake principallie thefe gifts of God were conferred and bellowed. And this appearcth in the example ofAholiaband Bezaliel, ofwhom it is Paid, that the Lord called them 6y name, andfilled them Exod.31.23.4, ?pith hisfpirit,inwifedorne and vnder/landing,and in knowledge 5.and 36.x.3. and in all workmanfhip, to finde out curious werkes, to werke in gold, and infilteer,andin 6rafe; alfo in the art cafes' genes, and tocarue in timher, and to lborke all manner of workmanfhip for the feruice of the Sant7uarie. And therefore thefe Arts and Sciences are not (imply to be contemned,yea rather they are to be much valuedand eíkcemed,as being Gods good gifts, H 3 which