Downame - Puritan-02038 v2
10 .R eal esmoelegto the contempt ofvvorldly fciencer, which her bath bellowed vpon fome fpeciall men, for his owne glorie, and the common good of humane focietics; but only as they are abufed by carnal! worldlings excelling ,iin.them. 4.Seïi.2. And thus they abufe them,ñrfl,when in fight of their Hovv vvorldly owne excellencie they are puffed vp in pride, and contetnc fosases are a- others,efpeciallyof their ownefacultie,whohaue not attai- bujed. ned veto their skill. Secondly, when they fet their hearts vpon them, preferring and elleeming them before Gods fpirituall graces and fanölifying gifts, and negleóling them together with the meanes whereby they may attaine vino them,whilefl they let and imploy all their deliresand ende- uours about thefe earthly fciences. And laflly,when as they feuer thefe common gifts of the Spirit, from Gods fanClify- ing and fauing graces,being content to tier-mine vtterly de. ílitute of the true feare of God, knowledge, faith, repen- tance and the ref!; as though they needed them not, being qualifiedaboue others with this-worldly skill. 4.Se11;3. gut in there; refpee s, thefe Sciences and 'cunning skill, That vvorldly though good in themfelues, are to bee contemned and de- fcieucesareto (piled :for ifit be a great finne to be proud of learning and be contemned. the knowledge ofingenuous and liberal! Arts, yea ofmo- ral), venues and ciuill: wifedome ; and if they are to bee all contemned and defpifed,when they come in companion of Godsholy and heauenly graces; then how muchmore is it a grievous finne to wax proud of there inferiour Sciences; or in refpe6offuch contemptible qualities, to fee light by, and contenine thofe vnualuable excellencies and heanenly treafures? Whichfinne`that all may auoid,and may learne to.defpife there Sciences as hate trifles,when they come in comparifon with the fauing knowledge of Gods truth, and our affurance of his fpirituall treafitresand eternal happiness let them confider that there Sciences are but common gifta bellowed both vpon the elecleft and reprobate, and vpon Pa- gans as well as Chrillians, and therefore notwithflanding them, if they want Gods fpirituall and fan&ifyinggraces, they are Hill in the filate ofdeath &'condemnation;let them know that God hath giuen them thefe talents not that they fhould
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