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Reafonsmouingtothe contempt ofvnjruitfullknowledge. 4; fhould be puffed vp in pride, or negle&ing'his more excel- lent gifts,they fhould (et their heartson em,butthatthey fhould vfe them to the glorie of hinr,who bellowed them and the good of the Church and Common-wealth; anj therefore ifthey abufe them to contrary ends, the Lord will take away from them his gifts; or ifheefuffer them to haue the vfe of them,it fhall be to bring vpon them a moreheauy judgement, and to increafc their condemnation at the day of his general( affiifes,for their great abufe ofhis rich talents. Finally,let them remember that thefe worldly Sciences ferue but to procure vnto them fume temporarie profit or ad- uancement,which is but of (mall worth,and ofmomentanie continuance; and therefore they fhall Phew extreame follie if they more highly ef}eeme,and take more care, and fpend more labour, in compafling thefe tranfitorie trifles, then in attaining vnto the vnualuable riches of Gods grace, and 'that eternall waight of glorie, and vnfpeakeable happineffe in his kingdome. CHAP. XII. That vnfruitfull knowledge of God and his time religion it vaine and vnprofitable. Nd thus much concerning worldly Sciences, Secs. t. and the reafons which may moue vs to con- knowledge of temne them, when they come in compari- God and his Ion with Gods diuiner gifts, or hinder vs in truth init feife attaining his fpirituall graces,orioyes of his an extelient kingdome. The other kinde of fcience, which I propoun- eil áb eto'thee ÿ ded to fpeake of, is the knowledge ofGod, and of the do- abufe of werid- &riue of his true religion,which in his word he hathreuei- /ings. led vnto vs. The which in it (elfe is an excellent gift and 'grace of Gods fpirit,and farre to be preferred before world- ly fciences, humane learning, yea aboue all meerely moral! and ciuill venues ; as being that fplirituall light which gui- deth vs in the paths of righteoufneffe,that leade vs to Gods kingdome, and the very ground and foundation of all fan- H 4 diifying
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